
Good Morning everyone :)
          	I thought I'd change up the format of my Friday recaps, mainly because I'm not working on anything in regards to Wattpad at the moment so I'm not sure what a recap is good for so I'm just going to make these short and sweet, and I'll briefly touch on my week. 
          	My week this week has been pretty simple. I started my week off with some photography stuff, and one of my employers loved my work which was really reassuring and then I spent the rest of the week working on the rewrite of By Your Side, and it's coming along slowly but surely. I'm hoping this weekend to make a fair amount of progress as I watch the rain. :)
          	Anyways that's pretty much the summary of my week,  and soon it'll be the weekend. With that said I hope you all have a good couple days off if you're not working and if you are well, have fun. 
          	Thank you, everyone, for stopping by and as always remember that no matter what happens tomorrow will always be a different day. 
          	Till next time,
          	- Li. A. Wake


I noticed that you commented on fallnheartbreaker's story. Please be advised that she's not right in the head. My brother died mysteriously at her house after only hanging out with each other for a few hours. She's a lying psyco. Please I ask you to please not patronize her. She's been tormenting my family for 8 months since my brother died and now she's writing a story about her perception of what happened. Thank you for your time


Good Morning everyone :)
          I thought I'd change up the format of my Friday recaps, mainly because I'm not working on anything in regards to Wattpad at the moment so I'm not sure what a recap is good for so I'm just going to make these short and sweet, and I'll briefly touch on my week. 
          My week this week has been pretty simple. I started my week off with some photography stuff, and one of my employers loved my work which was really reassuring and then I spent the rest of the week working on the rewrite of By Your Side, and it's coming along slowly but surely. I'm hoping this weekend to make a fair amount of progress as I watch the rain. :)
          Anyways that's pretty much the summary of my week,  and soon it'll be the weekend. With that said I hope you all have a good couple days off if you're not working and if you are well, have fun. 
          Thank you, everyone, for stopping by and as always remember that no matter what happens tomorrow will always be a different day. 
          Till next time,
          - Li. A. Wake


Happy Friday everyone!
          I hope you were all able to have a good week, and managed to find time to relax when you could. For me, though it's been a bit of a long week, and writing just seems to be getting a little harder than usual to get done, but in turn, my photography career is slowly gaining some traction. Which leads me to say that my weekend will be pretty much occupied by that so it is what it is. 
          That being said let's jump into this week's recap. So there isn't a whole lot to mention in regards to this, and honestly, this may be the last long recap for some time since I'm still struggling to get rewrites done of my stories on here.  That being said when it comes to stories, The third and final volume of The Gloomy Existence of Fate Anderson, has finally come to an end. It ended sooner then I thought it would actually since I assumed it would last to at least today, but really it ended really early on in the week. 
          So with that being said if you are interested in a teen fiction story that's overly dramatic, mature themes and a splash of romance, then, by all means, take a look at the Fate Anderson series. Hopefully, it'll be able to kill some time in your days and if you read them today they'll get you closer to the weekend even sooner. 
          Other than that though there isn't much else to mention, and I still don't know when I'll be posting my next story here. Hopefully what I do have posted here will keep you all busy for a while, and as always I just want to say thank you all for hanging out here with me. I know I'm not that socially active, but still the support really does mean a lot and hopefully, when things start settling down I'll be around more. Until then though always remember that no matter what tomorrow's a different day and anything can happen. 
          Till next time,
          - Li. A. Wake


@LiAWake it's alright! And same! :D


@Loutka Sorry I just noticed this but yea I'm also into photography. Photography and writing are duelling passions of mine :)


@LiAWake Whoa, that's quite the busy week on your hands.... and wow, you're into photography too!?


Good morning peoples! 
          I hope you were all able to have a good week and get everything done that you needed to. I'm not sure about everyone else, and maybe it was just because I was editing a story all week, but things just seemed to drag on here. This weekend will hopefully look up though since I have another photoshoot on Saturday, so the change will be good. Unfortunately, there are some fires around currently, and I think we're close to getting our first air advisory of the year. So that kinda sucks, but that just means it's almost summer, here in what's usually the frozen wasteland of Canada. 
          Anyways enough about my life outside of Wattpad, and let's go into what's going on here. Spoiler alert if you were here last week, you'll already pretty much know what's about to follow. For those who are new though, or just want a quick reminder. The story currently being posted here in the third and final installment of my series, The Gloomy Existence of Fate Anderson. To sum up the Fate Anderson series, it's mainly about a girl, who seems to have a family curse chasing her. After escaping her life with her mother, she goes on a journey of self-discovery through high school and university, all while doing the best she can to make her existence a little less gloomy which is easier said than done. 
          Other than that though there isn't much else going on around here, so I think I'll cut this post short this week, that way you can continue on your days. It's Friday though so I'm hoping it flies by, and hopefully, we'll all soon be enjoying our weekend.  As always though I just want to say a quick thank you for all of you who continue to stay here and put up with my weekly ramblings and edit needing stories. It means a lot and I just want to say no matter what tomorrow will always be a different day and anything could happen. 
          Till next time, 
          - Li. A. Wake


Good morning everyone!
          We did it, we made it to yet another Friday. TIme to relax and just take it easy, unless you work on the weekends then I'm sorry hopefully you have time to rest within the next seven days. 
          Anyways I'm just sort of rambling here since things are pretty much the same as usual. I've been doing some writing as always outside of Wattpad, and have neglected to work on the stories that need editing here. At the same time, I'm hoping to land a photography gig this weekend, but that's currently up in the air. SO really I'm just hoping things out but anyways let's get back to talking about what's going on here. 
          For the last couple of weeks, things have sort of been the same around here. I figure some if not most of you already know that I'm posting the third and final installment of my Fate Anderson series. However for those of you who are new, and don't know what Fate Anderson is about it's basically what I consider a really overly dramatic high school young adult story. Basically, the story gravitates around a girl, who's being taken away from living with her mother, who has made some less than good choices, and it's about her adjusting to a new life and practically rebuilding everything that she left behind. There's a lot of ups and downs in the story, but to Fate Anderson, it feels like there's a curse following her just waiting to consume her. Will she escape it before it swallows her life whole, you'll have to read the first part and take the journey with her. The earlier books may also have some typos but it is what it is, one day I might edit them. :)
          Anyways that pretty much sums up what I've been up to this week, and I'm hoping to get some rest in this weekend, but we'll have to see. Also, remember that no matter what Happens tomorrow will always be a different day. 
          Till next time, 
          - Li. A. Wake


T.G.I.F everyone, 
          I'm not sure about the rest of you but this week has definitely taken a toll on me, and I'm glad it's close to being over. That being said there are only a few more hours until the weekend, and we'll all get there together. Hopefully, this post will be able to kill a couple of minutes of your day to speed up that process. 
          So I just want to start this week's recap by saying that my time for writing this week didn't go as planned. Surprisingly for the first time in a while, I hardly did anything involving story and this week was more focused on photography, and I even had what was technically my first photoshoot, but I don't think the photos were exactly what my employer was looking for. It was a good learning experience though, and definitely a live and learn scenario. 
          That being said let's go over the usual stuff that's been happening around here on the profile. Basically, it's the same old song and dance. For all of you who don't know though, the current story being posted here is called The Gloomy Existence of Fate Anderson. It's the third and final book of the series, and if you're a fan of overly dramatic stories, with a ton of teenage angst, then this series may be for you. 
          The focus of it is a teenage girl basically escapes her broken life with her mother and makes her way to the city where life takes her on a roller coaster ride. From love to family drama it's just recipe for disaster while her old life weighs on her mind. 
          Other than that though I'm still editing some rewrites off the site here, unfortunately, I struggled to get time for that this week, so that'll probably be what my weekend consists of.  Anyways thank you all for taking the time to read this or just check it out, and always remember that tomorrow's a different day. 
          Till next time, 
          - Li. A. Wake


What's up all you cool cats/dogs/any other animal you may prefer, even if it's made up. :)
          I just want to start off today by saying I hope you all had a good week, this week and that it wasn't too stressful. At least at the end of the day, it'll literally be the weekend, which hopefully means that you can kick back and relax, or do something fun with friends, or just binge watch some Netflix, with a tub of ice cream. The world will be your oyster, at least I hope that's the case. 
          For me, though I'll be stuck doing some editing, and I'll also be trying to dig up some of my old school stuff, as well as some of the recent photos that I've taken because I may get my first photography opportunity on Monday which has me excited, but also extremely nervous. For the most part, though I don't think it'll affect what I'm doing here too much and if that changes it'll likely be mentioned in these weekly recaps. 
          Anyways enough about me and let's talk about what's been going on here, and how lazy I've been to update my profile lol, actually I think I summed up that last part here in that last sentence.
          Now moving onto writing. As you all may have seen, The Gloomy Existence of Fate Anderson 3 is currently still being posted here. As of today, it's up to part 16 which I think means it's getting close to the halfway point but I'd need to double check. However with that said it is the third installment of a story, and I'll admit it's no Avengers: Endgame, but if you want to kill some time, and get lost in an overly dramatic story what not give this series a shot. It's a high school drama about a girl who's just trying to find a normal life, but at the same time, a family curse seems to constantly be getting in the way. 
          Other than that though I don't have much else to say. So thank you for taking the time to read this and always remember that tomorrow's a different day, and anything can happen. 
          Till next time,
          - Li. A. Wake


Happy Friday everyone, 
          I hope things are going well, and I also hope that you had a good week this week. It's the final stretch now, as we approach the weekend, it's just a couple hours away, but that being said I hope this weekend you're all able to relax and just take it easy, maybe even doing something you don't do during the week. Who knows the world is your oyster. 
          That being said let me just finish off the week here by talking about what been going on here and what's being posted, but I figure that some of you probably already know what's been going down. So for those that don't know yet, this is for you...if you care lol. 
          So basically the primary focus this week was posted The Gloomy Existence of Fate Anderson 3. As of today, there's 11 parts now posted to the story and there's still a lot to come so hold on because it's going to be a roller coaster of content and emotion. That being said for those of you who don't know the story of Fate Anderson, please by all means check out the first one so you can kind of grasp the story because the two sequels go back to back and take place where the last one ends off. 
          It's an overly dramatic young adult / teen fiction story with a sprinkle of romance in it. Overall like most of my stories, I think it'll take you on a journey, that'll help distract you and maybe you'll even fall in love with the characters, who knows. All I know is that why not give it a chance because every deserves to be told. 
          Anyways that's pretty much all I have for today, and I just want to say a quick thank you to all of you who have continued to be a part of this up to this point. It really motivates and inspires me to continue on this writing journey even when things get tough. I simply can't say it enough, so again thank you, and remember that no matter what happens, tomorrow will always be a different day. 
          Till next time,
          - Li. A. Wake


Good Morning everyone :)
          I just wanted to let you all know that I have an exclusive version of Blind Beauty that contains more in-depth scenes, and even bonus content, all over 300 pages available on Amazon right now for free, until the end of tomorrow (April 28) So if you're looking for a new story potentially go check it out, and maybe leave a review if you like. :) 

          Anyways thank you for your time, everyone, I hope you have an awesome weekend :)


Good morning my fellow Wattpadians or whatever it is you deem to call your online persona here.
          I hope you all had a good week and were able to get lots done, as well as relaxed a bit when the time allowed for it. Let's take a second and think about how good sleep is, well good news tomorrow's the weekend and hopefully you'll be able to sleep in for a bit and dream up some new inspiration for future stories. Unfortunately, if that's not the case, I feel your pain but we'll get through it together. 
          Anyways before we get on to talking about the new stuff going on here. I just want to make a quick comment. As some of you may have read previously here. I've been doing a wedding photography class and that has finally come to an end this week, and now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with it lol. I'm sure there's something out there, but overall it was a good time and an even better distraction from writing. 
          Alright, enough about me, and let's get down to brass tacks. As I mentioned last Friday. The third installment of the Fate Anderson series started to be posted here, and with another week come and gone it's currently seven chapters in as of a few moments ago. So as always if you're not acquainted with the series, I highly recommend checking it out before you pick up book three because you'll likely go in missing a lot if you don't know the story. For those of you who are new or haven't seen this post recently let me describe Fate Anderson to you. Basically, it's a sad story about a person who's simply looking for something to call normal in life but the world keeps getting in her way and holds her back, from the things she desires.
          Other than that though there isn't much else for me to add at this time, So as always thank you for taking the time to read this, while also coming with me on this writing journey. It really means a lot and always remember that no matter what happens tomorrow will always be a different day. 
          Till next time,
          - Li. A. Wake