
Hey my friends on Wattpad and this is for all the reading my stories. I really appreciate your support. 
          	The Window Chapter-1 is out now. 
          	I hope you will get scared  and enjoy the story. 
          	Thank you for your supporting. ❤️


Hey my friends on Wattpad and this is for all the reading my stories. I really appreciate your support. 
          The Window Chapter-1 is out now. 
          I hope you will get scared  and enjoy the story. 
          Thank you for your supporting. ❤️


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@Angel khan... Sometimes you hurt someone who is really important to you. You just don't trust them and end up messing up everything. I had a lesson today.  That if someone's really important in our life, we've gotta trust them. And if someone says that they know your bestie more than you do, just ask them to fuck off. I have learnt your value, your importance. I am really sorry for being mean, for making you cry. I and everyone in our group, love you lot. I am sorry for not trusting your decisions. You have been the best friend anyone could ever be and I was the worst, hell I am the worst. I don't if everything would be like before, the way you called a bitch and I asked you to fuck off, the way we used to bicker over silly matters and our friends would turn to give us a look, the way you shared things with me like you shared with no one and the way we snapped idiot pics and recorded funny videos and later watched them and laughed whole heartedly. I want it all back. I want to punch your arm like before and annoy you to hell and I want you scold me whenever I did something idiot. I know I am so annoying, so irritating at times, but I know you do enjoy it. I have trust issues and I get easily manipulated by anyone, but please forgive me for being wrong. It really hurt like hell when you were crying like that in front of me and I couldn't do anything. You are the most wonderful person I have known and the best friend I could ever get, I am sorry to hurt you once again. Lets just get back to being the best friends we were. I promise, this time anyone says anything rubbish about you or me, we'll stand together and break their teeth together. And when they fall down in pain, we'll laugh together. I promise that I would stand by you always and this time, I really mean it.... cyah sweetie pie