
Hey, everyone! I know several of you have contacted me about putting Smitten, the sequel to Crush, on Wattpad. I'm unable to do that, however, you can still get Smitten for free by signing up for my newsletter. In fact, you can get several books of mine free by doing so. There will also be giveaways, newsletter swaps with other authors, sneak peeks at books waiting to be published, cover reveals, coupons for other books, sales, prizes, and whatever other kinds of fun I feel like dreaming up. So don't miss out on this chance to read some of your favorite series by copy/pasting this link to get all your goodies:


@LaceyWeatherford I clicked the ink but the domain is non-existent... are you sure this is the link to your website as it's asking me to buy this domain.


I love ur series - of witches and warlock ; crush series and book of shadows series .... I have completed all of the 3 series n I have to say I could have never imagined that these series could be so wonderful; even if I completed it i still repeatedly read those , it's that satisfying....


          OMG!!! first off I have never written an author to talk about the books they written but after reading crush I literally had to, it had me hooked on the first sentence, I couldn't stop reading it, I was jumping around screaming about in around my house people thought I was going crazy and honestly i was this book was so good I hadn't realized I have been staying up past 3 reading it, but unfortunately I'm the type to love reading sexual scenes and there wasn't any but I could help not loving it anyway, you have an amazing talent of writing and I myself is trying really hard to write one myself and I truly wish I had your talent.
          I'm looking forward in reading all of your books.