
Hey, I know I haven't been on here since 2015, but I logged back in for the heck of it. It's nearly 2018, and here's a little catch-up in my life right now; I'm almost 17, I have a lovely girlfriend who I've been with for almost 3 years, I'm a high school junior, and I'm in both color guard and still in show choir, along with the top choir in my school's music program. When I was younger and first joined Wattpad, the people who talked to me and supported my stories even when they were bad helped me great with my self esteem (not like I had much to begin with lol). I'd like to tell you users; Thank you. I am logging back on actually to find more LGBTQ+ friends, and would be happy to be your friend :) If I do not respond immediately, it's probably because of either a) my upcoming winter exams b) after school activities or c) I didn't see the message immediately. Feel free to contact me!


Hey, I know I haven't been on here since 2015, but I logged back in for the heck of it. It's nearly 2018, and here's a little catch-up in my life right now; I'm almost 17, I have a lovely girlfriend who I've been with for almost 3 years, I'm a high school junior, and I'm in both color guard and still in show choir, along with the top choir in my school's music program. When I was younger and first joined Wattpad, the people who talked to me and supported my stories even when they were bad helped me great with my self esteem (not like I had much to begin with lol). I'd like to tell you users; Thank you. I am logging back on actually to find more LGBTQ+ friends, and would be happy to be your friend :) If I do not respond immediately, it's probably because of either a) my upcoming winter exams b) after school activities or c) I didn't see the message immediately. Feel free to contact me!


I absolutely adore how much crap people give Sherlock and John. Like, the world thinks that they are gay and dating. Sherlock thinks John is gay. John thinks Sherlock is gay. Now, when Mrs. Hudson is like, "Moved on from Sherlock, have you?" John sighs, and explains he is going to get married. Mrs. Hudson asks who HE is. John is like, "For anyone who actually cares, I'm not gay! Sherlock wasn't my boyfriend!" When people give Sherlock crap about it, he's just like, "Yeah sure. He's my bro. Mine. MY WATSON MINE!"