
Hello, everybody! I have just published part 1 of The Winter Reaper Prologue! Expect to see part 2 within the next two or three weeks.
          	Thank you for reading. ~Yoko Kyou Nagisa


Hello, folks! It has been a long time since I posted anything on this site, but as you can see, I have returned! I have been working on my stories while I was away and there are a lot of things coming your way! First of all, Seren is still on hiatus, but it is going to have a revamp (I have left notices on both volumes explaining more). As for The Winter Reaper, there have been way more additions and changes than I anticipated. Because of this, it will be completely rewritten in a NEW book. Expect to see the new version within the next week or so. Last, but not least, I have several new stories in the works and also a one-shot that I hope you’ll all enjoy. Thank you for reading and I apologize for the ridiculously long wait! ~Yoko Kyou Nagisa


Revamping Stories:
            The Winter Reaper
            New Stories (mostly still in the works):
            Solstice Metropolis
            Scouts Hamlet
            Adventures of the Deep Blue


Hello, folks! My friend is streaming on Twitch! She is the real life counterpart of Ushiko Death in Seren. Her account name is Rose7Quartz and she’ll be making art while I ask her questions about customizing her character.
          Don’t miss it! It’s gonna be great. ~Yoko


Hey there, folks! I have a couple of announcements in regards to my stories. After years of hiatus, a close friend of mine has convinced me to return to my (self insert) story Seren. I started to think about what this story was about and why I haven’t done any major world building like I have done with The Winter Reaper... Well, that is exactly what I’ve been up to, but before I dive into the details, I must tell you now (before I forget) that Seren is having a revamp! That’s right, it’s going to be almost completely rewritten. My editors and I have been busy world building, filling Seren, Earth and a new world with lots of lore and new powerful creatures. Also, I have been making some big changes and these include major and minor character revisions. Most importantly, though, I’ve decided that instead of shoving everything into one book series, I’m going to make two series for Seren. One covers the events in Seren and the other covers events on Earth. That way, the plots of each series will remain clear and focused, but are still going on at the same time. The Seren revamp is still in the middle of production, however, and will remain that way for some time, but hopefully mot too long. By the way, until Seren is up and running, The Winter Reaper will be on hold. In time, you will be receiving updates from both series and maybe I’ll make myself a writing schedule.
          If you are curious about any updates, go ahead and PM me on Wattpad or Instagram and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can. Until then, thank you for your support! ~Yoko


It has certainly been a long time since I updated any of my stories. I’ve been quite unmotivated as of late. However, though actual writing has been very slow, I have been doing A TON of other things for The Winter Angel. This includes world building, character building/reworking, researching, testing, and other such things. Also, TWA is getting name change. Instead of The Winter Angel, it will be called The Winter Reaper. So heads up to all the TWA readers out there because major changes are on the way! (Eventually, that is... I still have more background work to do)
          Thank you for reading! ~ YKN 
          COVID-19 is still around! Please be safe.


Hey! What's up? The Winter Angel Chapter 1 as been rewritten, edited and published, so go check it out! It's a hella lot longer, but I included a lot of information that I felt was missing in the old version. 
          Thank you for your patience and for reading! ~YKN


Hey folks! The Winter Angel Chapter 8 is finally up! Sorry for making you wait, if you have been waiting and thank you for reading! Also, I'll be making some revisions to previous chapters, but I'll make sure to tell you about it as soon as it's done.
          Anyways, this coronavirus has been a pain in the tail. School districts all around, including my own, have shut down their schools and are having students and teachers work and learn at home... We might not get to have a graduation ceremony or a prom because of that. I guess it's nice, though, to not have to rush from period to period and get up before sunrise like I normally do.  The coronavirus is all over the news. I hope none of my loved ones catch it and the same goes for all of you guys. Stay safe. ~YKN


Another plan made, and another plan not followed... I am several months late on updating The Winter Angel and my excuses are, admittedly, not too good. Anyhoo, good news: I have (FINALLY) completed Chapter 8! Not so good news: I have yet to have it edited and posted. Now it’s not very long when compared to other chapters, but the pace should start to pick up from here... I think. Also, I’ve been doing a lot of lore-building and there are some things that I need to change in many chapters thanks to that. So, thank you for your patience if you have been waiting and I’m sorry for making you wait. 
          Thank you for reading! ~YKN