
Hey! I just finished reading your book and I am just 16 years old. I don't even know why I was searching for a self help book on wattpad. But I am glad I stumbled on your great book. It was like an eye opener for me. I hope I don't run behind the surface shit anymore. This books needs to be published so that I can keep it with me always. Thanks for sharing your life with us. I bet it definitely changed many people's perspective towards life. :)


I gratefully thank you for your book on Wattpad & sharing your life's wisdom. I received your message so loud and clear, it knocked me for a loop, then tossed me on my backside 'til I read your every word. Can't wait to force my hubby of 32 years & fam to be a fan also. You have taken a portion of James Allen's, "As A Man Thinketh", condensed & simplified the message to attract readership for the next century. You know, those lost boys/girls (Peter Pan generation) that age, though won't mature. And somehow, they feel the world owe's THEM a living, cuz they're "entitled", or just live & breathe upon the planet. Greece's collapse is minuscule to what is in store for America. I agree with all you wrote...even while cringing at the a**hole word.  


Thank you.