
this message may be offensive
Need to get back on my writing book shit. I just have books sitting in the drafts twiddling their thumbs


Hey I really like your trip to Puerto Rico. I'm glad SOMEONE is talking about my beautiful island. I'd like to know what you liked the most. I really like hearing complements about my enchanted island


Glad you liked it <3 one of my favorite parts of the trip is the hike I took. It was super relaxing and the scenery was a solid 10/10


Shoutout to all the Puerto Ricans that has seen the book about my trip to Puerto Rico. Glad I could uplift you guys and you’ve told me info about the place that I found very interesting. I went on that trip two or three years ago and the feedback that I get to this day makes my heart smile. Thanks for reading it! <3


KAM Nostalgia is hitting me tonight


@daisyg91 Oh my gosh I would love that. I’ll look it up as soon as I can. Thank you so much!


@KaylaLovesMyles150 Recently Myles did an interview talking a little bit more about the split …. maybe you can do a story sharing your opinions and also compare the boys interviews to each other ?  I also notice how Kalin doesn't really say Myles' name but Myles still addresses Kalin, IDK thought I'd point that out. If your down _ the interview is Myles Parrish at The Lunch Table on YouTube. Then you can just type in their individual names and interview, they'll be the first few. Kalin done like 2 interviews about it and Myles done like 3. I don't know I just thought this would be something interest again if your down (:


¡Hola! ¿Cómo estas? ¡Gracias por seguirme!
          Agradecería que te pasaras por mi perfil. Tengo varias historias que pueden ser de tú interés. Coméntame que te parecen y si puedo mejorar algo.
          ¡Gracias! Y perdona las molestias.