
I have finally wrote my story after years of not writing srry If I keep you guys waiting for so long T-T


Are u having Neobook accоunt?


@kerilynimarruqnmq Hmmm,No I haven't really thought about it and I just checked it and it looks so cool! Tho I'm not very active to writing as much cause of Life a d I'm mostly an artist than a writer but maybe one day I gave a try! Thank You!!!


Hey, guys, I hope everyone is doing ok with the whole coronavirus thing, I know things can be hard and it a beginning of 2020, But I still believe we all can fight off the coronavirus and hopefully it won't be there for a whole year or two. All we can do is to stay at home to keep you and family safe until the coronavirus is over so pls stay safe and healthy!! Also I will try to write my stories cause It been so long since I write and will make it up to you guys! Have a good day and remember there is still hope that we can fight the coronavirus.


Hey Guy! It Mikayla! it been a while since I been in wattpad. I delete some of my books become I want to makes my books longer makes a new start and just to finished what I have for now. I'm really sorry I delete some of my books. I hope you understand.