I am a memoir author and a retired family nurse practitioner with a passion for sharing hope through storytelling. I believe we are all enriched, enlightened and inspired when we share our stories. My first memoir EVER FAITHFUL TO HIS LEAD:A MEMOIR ABOUT CHOICES. Is about getting into and out of two emotionally-abusive marriages and finding my voice (Publication date, July 28,2014). My second memoir, HOPE MATTERS: A MEMOIR OF FAITH (working title), is currently in its first draft. It is about how the power of hope through my faith helped me climb out of the abyss of simultaneous battles--late-stage cancer diagnosis and the descent of my young adult son due to substance abuse-- to find a life of peace and joy.

I blog weekly at Memoir Writer's Journey http://krpooler.com and am active on Facebook, Twitter @kathypooler, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Goodreads,Google+ at Kathleen Pooler. I love keeping the conversation going about memoir and sharing hope through our stories.
  • Amsterdam, New York
  • JoinedJanuary 8, 2014