
Hi Everyone, I really want to write some essays and maybe a new short story, but am having trouble figuring out how to do that from my Android phone, which is all I have right now.


Hi, folks. I've been busy lately supporting Bernie Sanders, candidate for President of the United States. I would love to live in a Bernie world---where old people have enough social security to make it, mothers get to stay home for three months after baby is born and get to know their infant, working people earn $15 an hour minimum wage, and every student whose grades are high enough to get into a public state college gets to attend tuition free! This would be a much better Amerca, in my opinion. http://www.berniesanders.com to find out more. You can find out where to vote in the primaries in your state at http://www.voteforsanders.org. You may be old enough to vote in the primaries if you are at least 17 now, and will turn 18 by November 8, 2016 in time to vote in the general election. According to Bernie, "Voting is not a spectator sport" and "When there is a high voter turnout, Democrats win". Bernie is very strong on opposing bad trade deals that send American jobs overseas and force American workers who are still employed to compete with people making only 25 cents an hour. I know it sounds pretty idealistic, but, you know what? There are lots of big corporations stashing their money overseas and paying NO taxes and Bernie isn't afraid to stand up and stop them. He will bring the money back, and close the corporate loopholes so we can have a better country. I am really, really looking forward to voting for Bernie. He is the best candidate I have ever had a chance to vote for, even better than Obama. He works really hard right now at his job in the Senate, putting in ten to fourteen hours a day. He was a long distance runner in highschool and has lots of stamina. He really, truly believes that every American deserves equal rights. He even went to jail for working to desegregate schools in Chicago when he was a college student. Bernie has earned my respect, and I hope he can earn yours, too. Check out his website for detailed info. on all Bernie's policies.