
          	Ok, so this one has to do with the future of my Wattpad account and writing career. Buckle up, it may be long.
          	I'm cancelling the release of my next story (the one about the cult). The only reason I'm even announcing this is because I already told you guys the book was coming, so I wanted to give a reason for not going through with it. 
          	Here's why:
          	Most of you know that a few of my stories have been plagiarized and put on NovelHD, without my permission. This is apparently a common thing and a lot of other writers have had this issue. I was on Reddit the other day and I saw yet another Wattpad writer posting about this. That was where I read that multiple people believe you shouldn't put stuff on Wattpad that you're serious about having published, because stupid stuff like this happens.
          	I'm actually inclined to agree. 
          	Also, a lot of people have been complaining that Wattpad has been deleting their stories without warning. Whether this has been glitches, hacks, or done on purpose by Wattpad themselves, no one's really sure. But it's made me a little nervous, because I'm not sure if stories have been removed completely or just unpublished. I don't want to lose the stuff I've written.
          	I know Wattpad is where a lot of writers get their start, but I'm honestly thinking that it may be a better idea for me to publish my stuff in a different way. There are a few things I would really like to have published for real, and I'm thinking that putting it on Wattpad first may not be the way to go.
          	I want to make it clear that, in spite of my concerns, I am NOT deleting my Wattpad account. I'm still planning on writing and publishing more stories for you guys, I just want to be more careful of what I'm posting. So the stuff I'm serious about will not be published here, but the stuff I'm just writing for fun (including but not limited to fanfics), will.
          	I hope you guys understand. Thank you again for all your support. I'll see you in  the chapters to come :)


@Junebug227  I've heard as well. Thankfully, Ive been copying and pasting from Google docs to my Wattpad page  and downloading on USBs to keep my stories. It might be a good idea to do that.


          I'm a representative of Letterlux. We are interested in signing one or more of your stories on our platform. 
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          120,000 words
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          150,000 words 
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          200k words and above = $100 signing bonus
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          Edit am



          Ok, so this one has to do with the future of my Wattpad account and writing career. Buckle up, it may be long.
          I'm cancelling the release of my next story (the one about the cult). The only reason I'm even announcing this is because I already told you guys the book was coming, so I wanted to give a reason for not going through with it. 
          Here's why:
          Most of you know that a few of my stories have been plagiarized and put on NovelHD, without my permission. This is apparently a common thing and a lot of other writers have had this issue. I was on Reddit the other day and I saw yet another Wattpad writer posting about this. That was where I read that multiple people believe you shouldn't put stuff on Wattpad that you're serious about having published, because stupid stuff like this happens.
          I'm actually inclined to agree. 
          Also, a lot of people have been complaining that Wattpad has been deleting their stories without warning. Whether this has been glitches, hacks, or done on purpose by Wattpad themselves, no one's really sure. But it's made me a little nervous, because I'm not sure if stories have been removed completely or just unpublished. I don't want to lose the stuff I've written.
          I know Wattpad is where a lot of writers get their start, but I'm honestly thinking that it may be a better idea for me to publish my stuff in a different way. There are a few things I would really like to have published for real, and I'm thinking that putting it on Wattpad first may not be the way to go.
          I want to make it clear that, in spite of my concerns, I am NOT deleting my Wattpad account. I'm still planning on writing and publishing more stories for you guys, I just want to be more careful of what I'm posting. So the stuff I'm serious about will not be published here, but the stuff I'm just writing for fun (including but not limited to fanfics), will.
          I hope you guys understand. Thank you again for all your support. I'll see you in  the chapters to come :)


@Junebug227  I've heard as well. Thankfully, Ive been copying and pasting from Google docs to my Wattpad page  and downloading on USBs to keep my stories. It might be a good idea to do that.


The Billionaire Boss' Scandal is finally completed!! Thank you to everyone for both reading, and for your patience because that one took me FOREVER to finish XD
          Stay tuned for my next work! I've got a story going about a cult, and the people who are trying to escape it. No clue when it's coming out, but I've got 5 chapters written so hopefully it'll be out soon lol


I'm sorry for the lack of updates you guys!! Work has been so crazy lately,  and with Christmas less than two weeks away, I just haven't had the energy to update as much. I'm hoping that things will settle down a bit in the New Year so I can be a bit more active on here.  
          Thanks again for your patience! 


@Junebug227 it’s all right! Focus on what you need to!


          First, I've just suddenly come to the realization that I haven't given you guys anything in...forever. I intended to try to balance my original works with my fanfic, but unfortunately, that's fallen through the cracks. So for that I sincerely apologize. 
          You will be happy to know that I am working on something that I'm hoping to publish within the next two weeks! 
          Do you like Markiplier? Jacksepticeye? Team Edge? Matthias? Well, I'm bringing all of those together (and more) in a new story!
          HOWEVER: I will be removing Twisted Game from my published works. Because I didn't get very far, but still had so many ideas, I've decided to recycle them and put them into this new story! 
          Until I come up with a better idea, if that even happens (lol), I will probably be still calling it Twisted Game. 
          Anyway! I hope you guys are ready for something new! Because I am!!


@Enderfeather34 Sorry for the confusion!! I meant keeping the name "Twisted Game", not the book itself. So same name, different story. Maybe I should change it to avoid confusion haha


Here’s something I don’t understand..so you said you were removing Twisted Game from your published works right.? But then you said until you come up with a better idea you’ll be keeping Twisted Game..so, are you keeping Twisted Game? Or throwing/ removing it 


when are you going to update reprogrammed?


@VeryAnxiousHero @hmmwastaken IDK how I didn't see this earlier XD I would like to be able to update it soon, but I'm a little leery, because that work was stolen and put on another site without my permission.  However, I've recently realized that the person who took it using my screen name, so I guess it's still technically mine? Anyway, I'd like to start working on it again, so hopefully there will be an update soon!