
I'm finally back and working on updating all three of my stories! I already posted an update for Through the Eyes of the Beholder, and am currenty in the works on the second part of that update, and the next chapter of The Problems with Young Love, seeing as so many people have demanded it. I'm very happy people have come to like my stories so much! Thank you. I'm sorry for the almost full year of absence, it's been rought, but I don't wantto give up on you and my stories. I hope you all can forgive me for my terrible lack of updates. 
          	With love, 
          	Jikookie10 :)


Oh my god you're such an amazing author! Im in love with your work!! Keep it up, im really impressed, and your writing style makes your book very enjoyable, I'll definitely read more of your works! 


@Jikookie10  tbh all readers should be like this, its already too nice of you authors that you use your free time to write things that entertain us <3 Pressuring only causes motivation to drop and annoyance. Good luck with your books ^^ 
            Also good luck with the comeback because i sure am dead, this is my ghost so if you're alive congrats lMaO


@NikTheDik you are too nice! ;-; Thank you! <3 


Its okay! You can update whenever you want, I don't mind. Just take care of yourself and rest well!! No pressure at all! :>


Hey ! I'm just here wondering when you're going to update any of your fanfics, they're all really good by the way


@mybangtanie yes, I am. Thank you so very much for reading, and I'm so very sorry for the long wait. I've had troubles with internet and have had my hands full with babysitting, but I'm not going to give up on these stories or my readers.


Hi, authornim! I really like your book 'The Problems with Young Love'. Hwaiting for the update! I find it wonderful and I didn't get bored while reading each chapter. Fighting! 
          Ps. I'll read your two other books next! 


@kmlovechild Great! And no, it's not plain. Writings like yours makes me wish english was my vernacular, and writing would be easier for me. So don't think to much about it but I'm not saying there is no room for improvement lol. Thank you so for hearing me out too! 


@kmlovechild Yes, I have some more free time now, along with more motivation, so I feel like I'll be able to get them out more quickly. I hope, lol. And thank you!  I still think my writing is kind of plain, but I'm a bit of a "grammar Nazi" so I think that helps? I hope I can keep providing you with content you like! 


I'm finally back and working on updating all three of my stories! I already posted an update for Through the Eyes of the Beholder, and am currenty in the works on the second part of that update, and the next chapter of The Problems with Young Love, seeing as so many people have demanded it. I'm very happy people have come to like my stories so much! Thank you. I'm sorry for the almost full year of absence, it's been rought, but I don't wantto give up on you and my stories. I hope you all can forgive me for my terrible lack of updates. 
          With love, 
          Jikookie10 :)


T.R.I.S will be updated shortly! I'm going to try to finish this last part, figure out how I want to end it, and it will be posted! Thank you all who have added this to your reading lists and who haven't  given up on me or this story - it means a lot. I'm sorry for the long absence - writers block hit hard. But I hope you all like what this next chapter has to offer, and please let me know what you think! I miss hearing from all of you! 
          Thanks again, and have a good day! ^.^ 
          With love,
                      Jikookie10 :)


Be my follower?


@TabiiHut awesome, thanks!


@TabiiHut sure! Follow for a follow? 


Hello everyone! Update time about why I haven't been updating. I know I said I would have the next chapter up soon, but I've had a major case of writers block when it came to what I actually wanted to happen in the latest chapter, therefore, I've decided to just skip ahead in the story. Don't worry, you won't miss much, if anything at all. I'll try to tie up any loose ends that there may be within the time skip that will be happening.  I hope to ave it up sometime in the near future, but I'm not sure, and make no promises.  I hope I'm not letting anyone down, and I hope you all understand. (This is for T.R.I.S)
          Thank you for your time and for being oh so patient with me.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! ^-^ 
          This is just a little update to tell you all my progress on "The reason I smile" and that I'm inspired to write another story! Don't worry, The reason I smile will be my first priority, but I just had sudden inspiration for another story that I am itching to get started! It was based off a dream I had, so I have to hurry and get it wrote out before I forget.
          The next chapter of " T.R.I.S " should be posted here in a few days, depending on life getting in the way.  So just wanted to keep you updated, and let me k ow what you think about my new idea. Just reply on here or message me if you want to know more. 
          Thank you all again for sticking with me and my story! I love you all! ^_^ <3


Another chapter has been posted to The Reason I Smile! I'm terribly sorry for the wait, time got away from me, and since I'm babysitting everyday now, it's hard to get some free time to update as often, so I'm really sorry. I hope to get back on track soon, though! I'm not going to give a specific date for the next chapter, but hopefully it will be soon, since it is the second part of "Free Time Fun". I have already started writing it, so I hope to have it done sometime in the near future. 
          But I hope you all are having a nice day/evening/night! :) And thank you for reading and your patience with me! Love you all! <3


@luvarin thank you so much for your kind words! And thank you so much for reading and enjoying the story! <3 stay healthy and have a great rest of your day!


            hi author-nim.. new subbies here.. no worry.. your story is very good.. and i really love it.. looking forward for next chap.. stay healthy and fighting!


I want to keep you all up to date with my stories the best that I can. I'm really thankful for all the kind words of encouragement, votes, and follows you all have given me these past few days, and I'm working hard to give back to all of you. I'm really glad you all like my stories/writing style - I never really knew how I would fare with all the other great authors here, but you guys have given me the courage and strength to keep writing! 
          The next chapter of The Reason I Smile should be up within the next day or so, me having already wrote 1000+ words and over two pages, so the wait won't be to much longer. 
          Again, thank you all for everything, you guys are amazing. I love you all! ^.^