
this message may be offensive
          	1. Truth is relative. Remember there are two sides to every story. And while fact is always truth. Truth is not always fact. 
          	2. Life sucks. But its also great. Its an adventure. 
          	3. If you truly believe in something. Consequences of defending it shouldn't matter. 
          	4. People will always try to cloud the world and make it a dark place. It's up to you to say, 'FUCK YOU' and blind them with the fury of a thousand lightbulbs
          	5. Everyone deserves a seat at the table. That doesn't mean everyone gets to talk and that doesn't mean everyone gets to eat. But everyone deserves to be there. (This was a metaphor for politics)
          	6. Don't hate people for things they can't control. Get to know them as a person and hate them for the asshole they truly are. 
          	7. When you hate someone for hating someone, you're no better than they are. 
          	8. If you expect the other side to compromise, then you must be willing to do the same. 
          	9. You're enemies are people. Dehumanization is the worst form of fighting. The only way you should expect to get anywhere in life is by treating those around you as what they are. People. 
          	10. You are not defined as a number. You aren't a grade, a clothing size, and y or x chromosome. You are an individual. 
          	11. Everyone's a little bit of an asshole deep down. 
          	12. And finally, just don't. That applies to a lot of things. Just dont get sick. Just don't get involved in drama. Just don't be afraid to be who you are. Like honestly, I'd say the only thing (that doesn't make it a negative) this doesn't apply to is taxes. You gotta do your taxes. 


this message may be offensive
          1. Truth is relative. Remember there are two sides to every story. And while fact is always truth. Truth is not always fact. 
          2. Life sucks. But its also great. Its an adventure. 
          3. If you truly believe in something. Consequences of defending it shouldn't matter. 
          4. People will always try to cloud the world and make it a dark place. It's up to you to say, 'FUCK YOU' and blind them with the fury of a thousand lightbulbs
          5. Everyone deserves a seat at the table. That doesn't mean everyone gets to talk and that doesn't mean everyone gets to eat. But everyone deserves to be there. (This was a metaphor for politics)
          6. Don't hate people for things they can't control. Get to know them as a person and hate them for the asshole they truly are. 
          7. When you hate someone for hating someone, you're no better than they are. 
          8. If you expect the other side to compromise, then you must be willing to do the same. 
          9. You're enemies are people. Dehumanization is the worst form of fighting. The only way you should expect to get anywhere in life is by treating those around you as what they are. People. 
          10. You are not defined as a number. You aren't a grade, a clothing size, and y or x chromosome. You are an individual. 
          11. Everyone's a little bit of an asshole deep down. 
          12. And finally, just don't. That applies to a lot of things. Just dont get sick. Just don't get involved in drama. Just don't be afraid to be who you are. Like honestly, I'd say the only thing (that doesn't make it a negative) this doesn't apply to is taxes. You gotta do your taxes. 


Hey guys. First of all. I'd like to thank each and every one of you. Whether you were a follower, casual reader, or even just read one of my chapters. I made it to places I never thought I would with this website. I also improved upon my writing skills astronomically, and that wouldn't have been possible without your continued support. 
          And I've decided that this is the point in time where I must leave this behind. I apologize for my unfinished stories, but you see creativity is like a fire. It starts with a spark and rises to a burning inferno, but sooner or later that fire has to die out. Give the wood a chance to rest, or replace the logs. Then the fire can come back even stronger. My passion is still there but this chapter in my life is over. 
          I want to leave you with some parting words however. 


Hey guys, I don't know how many of my followers will actually read this, but I feel as though it's something that needs to be said. For those of you who don't know I am American, and I'm sure you all know how our political system is working right now. I don't want to get political and force that upon my readers. I do consider myself a democrat but that is not the point of this. The point is that I am currently living in a country that is more divided than it has ever been. And that is large in part due to the fact that our political spectrum is expanding at a rate which most cannot handle. And in this divided nation where I sit, it humbles me to see so many people working together to fight for what they believe in. And it humbles me that my followers and my readers are all so kind to each other in this time of pure chaos. I wanted yo thank you all for being you and let you know that I appreciate everything you do for me. Also get hyped cause I'm finally starting a story I will actually finish this time. Its called FAIRY TAIL SUMMER VACATION the sequal to FAIRY TAIL WINTER VACATION


My school district has two High Schools. One my town and one in our neighboring town. The neighboring town had just had a stabbing and his father called him to ask if he was alright. All the girls in my class, 4 including me, began talking about if we too would lose our rights.  Mind you all that happened throughout the course of one class period. I'm saying all this to make a point though.  I know, a lot of people are scared. Including myself. I'm terrified to be honest. But, we can't let our fear stop us. We have to keep walking in the light to counteract the darkness. We have to be kind to each other and be there for each other. Hatred will only sprout more hatred. And Y'know what? People have a right to be angry. I was angry. But no matter who is in power, we have our will to fight. And fight for what we believe in.  I'm standing WITH everyone.  LGBT+ community, I'm standing WITH you.  Black lives matter, I'm standing WITH you.  Any minority, I'm standing WITH you.  Women, I'm standing WITH you.  Muslims, I'm standing WITH you.  And I will radiate nothing but kindness. I will never stop fighting for what I believe in. I'd first give my life.  I will never back down or stand for discrimination.  Now, I urge you to do that same. Be kind, stand WITH others. Not against them. When banded together, we can beat anything. Be the light in what seems to be lots of darkness.   Also, since the message of this is don't hate, if I start seeing wars in my comment section, I will do things about it.  Remember you're never alone. I'll always be here for all of you.  -Jess_Hughes_Aceti ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️