
Hi. Good day to all of you. I have written two
          	pieces here in Wattpad titled "The creature of the Woods" and the "Creature and the Spy". Honestly, I started writing them when I was 15 or 16 - too young to have sense of quality literature. I left Wattpad in search of literacy and found out how immensely immature I was as a writer, and those two pieces are the haunting evidences of it. You may have liked the plot, thank you, but the way they were written was very low for my current standards. I left them unfinished and I am very sorry. 
          	The "Creature and the Spy" might be continued but with heavy editting, or might be written a new book entirely, with same plot, better writing style, and in third pov.
          	Nonetheless, I am very inactive in Wattpad
          	nowadays as I have been writing Fanfics in Ao3. 
          	l am thankful for the wonderful years I spent in Wattpad. And thank you, especially to my


Hi. Good day to all of you. I have written two
          pieces here in Wattpad titled "The creature of the Woods" and the "Creature and the Spy". Honestly, I started writing them when I was 15 or 16 - too young to have sense of quality literature. I left Wattpad in search of literacy and found out how immensely immature I was as a writer, and those two pieces are the haunting evidences of it. You may have liked the plot, thank you, but the way they were written was very low for my current standards. I left them unfinished and I am very sorry. 
          The "Creature and the Spy" might be continued but with heavy editting, or might be written a new book entirely, with same plot, better writing style, and in third pov.
          Nonetheless, I am very inactive in Wattpad
          nowadays as I have been writing Fanfics in Ao3. 
          l am thankful for the wonderful years I spent in Wattpad. And thank you, especially to my


Sorry to bug ya but Im wondering will you ever update "Creature and the Spy" again because if you don't that's fine too Im just wondering


And that's good to because you do you also thank you so much for replying so soon and I wanna say that I truly appreciate and appreciate your work with all of my being so yeah thanks


@Talestoldinink thank you for asking. I might have to edit it majorly before continuing it. To be honest, it was badly written so I might decide to just make another book with the same title, plot, and characters.


"Bro of my life" is a chicklit about two bros who suddenly found out they've been married for 3 YEARS. A divorce is what they need, just to sort out their properties... But something more is about to be sorted out. 
          Completed and Done. 12,000 words. Try to have a little read. 
          I believe I have improved as a writer so I wrote a little chicklit to flex my writing muscles. This story has a part 2 which will be published very soon.


Hello to the people asking me to update The Creature and the Spy. I'm really sorry I left this story for a year because I kind of discovered tumblr then Ao3 and actually got my sense of literature better from those platforms. And so I left wattpad. 
          But I'm back and found out people would still like to read more of the book 2 of the creature of the woods ((Thank you very much for liking my story)) and so I attempted to continue it but I FORGOT I USED  1st person past tense pov of Hansel and I wrote the continuations as 3rd person Present tense, which I find more professional and seemless. But for the sake of consistency, I will rewrite the last parts as 1st person pov again. I'm sorry for making you wait for 2 YEARS! I would understand if you don't pick this story up again, but as a form of closure to my teenage days, I will do so. Thank you for waiting people. 


Holy...i have seen the light  char 
             THIS NOTIF BRIGHTENED UP MAH DAY  thank you for picking it up again huhu love your stories btw 
            I’ve been a silent reader for a while but the incorporation of Ph myth is ❤️ 
            I was the same when i discovered ao3, got so hooked up on the fanfics there that i dropped wp for a yr  but i’m back and changing for diff platforms from time to time
            Anywho sorry for the long comment it made my day when u said u gon’ pick it up again and went fangirling ✌️✌️ 


The Cursed Men
          Each of them has stories to share, and stories to finish. But in event by event, their stories begin to clash and their paths will never be untangled anymore.
          A dreaming red riding hood who meets a beast, a beast with a mysterious past, a forced prince who knows nothing but the company of an educated enemy, and an educated patriotic who seeks freedom, and a mystifying magical boy,  struggle to survive in the trying times of their lives as they learn the real meaning of feelings, love, and politics.
          These cursed men... are cursed in their own ways.
          AN: I know I used Lithuania, but none of these events mirrors their history. This is pure fiction. And yes, after reading chapter one, you will realize how they mirror folklore and stories we love so much.
          Please read :D !!!!