
Starting a new story called misunderstood romance 


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I had a dream today about I girl I liked and uh I had a dream that I met her in real life and I kept hugging her and saying I’m sorry and that I hurt you I didn’t mean to make you feel like shit basically crying in her arms at this point and like she was hugging me back and stroking my hair and I kept saying sorry idk but I still do miss her I sometimes stalk her page to make sure she’s ok I hope she is honestly I hope me and her could be friends someday and try again 


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Does my crush like me bc he like idk states at me and sometimes talks to me and he told my friend’s boyfriend bc they friends that he wouldn’t mind me touching him down there and I asked him about and he said he is chill if people touch him down there he would just get annoyed and that doesn’t explain on why he mentioned me like why me and then he touch my thigh but I also think he likes this other girl and it’s super fucking obvious bc they been playing around with each other and like laughing and dude he asked her to go get water with him and he also asked her to walk with him like dude that’s so fucking sad