
Addressing all the comments on my book Emails, Sky Blue and Phone Calls:
          	I know they’re not my best works, but I wrote them way back in the 7th grade. At this point I’m considering genuinely taking them down based purely on the hate they’re getting, especially Sky Blue.
          	There’s a line between hate and constructive criticism. I’ve had to delete so many comments at this point, and now I finally understand why authors take down their older works.
          	Please, please, please be kind when commenting. On everyone’s work. 
          	P.S—I will be addressing the constructive criticism soon by going on a major revision + editing spree :)


@kindheart2005 thank you for that - it really made my day :)


I read your book Phone Calls, and I absolutely loved it!! The writing style was unique and cool, short and sweet. I didn’t see anything wrong with it, and it became one of my favorite NejiTen fan fictions. 
          	  I am so sorry for all the unnecessary hate you are getting, and I am sorry they can’t see true talent. Hope you don’t take them down, but I can also understand where you are coming from. Have a great day/night ❤️❤️


I read the, and they’re perfect. Why would people send hat?


Hello! I just want to say that I enjoyed your book ‘Loophole’ and ‘Sky Blue’. I would love for you to update ‘Loophole’ but I understand that a few years have passed by now. I’m not sure if you will see this message. If you do, I hope you’re still writing and enjoy it. ❤️


If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral. 
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you. 
          We are friends.
          We ride together. We die together. 
          Send this to 15 people, including me, once you read this 
          ❤If you get at least three back you are loved.


Addressing all the comments on my book Emails, Sky Blue and Phone Calls:
          I know they’re not my best works, but I wrote them way back in the 7th grade. At this point I’m considering genuinely taking them down based purely on the hate they’re getting, especially Sky Blue.
          There’s a line between hate and constructive criticism. I’ve had to delete so many comments at this point, and now I finally understand why authors take down their older works.
          Please, please, please be kind when commenting. On everyone’s work. 
          P.S—I will be addressing the constructive criticism soon by going on a major revision + editing spree :)


@kindheart2005 thank you for that - it really made my day :)


I read your book Phone Calls, and I absolutely loved it!! The writing style was unique and cool, short and sweet. I didn’t see anything wrong with it, and it became one of my favorite NejiTen fan fictions. 
            I am so sorry for all the unnecessary hate you are getting, and I am sorry they can’t see true talent. Hope you don’t take them down, but I can also understand where you are coming from. Have a great day/night ❤️❤️


I read the, and they’re perfect. Why would people send hat?


Will someone please volunteer to beta read Baby Mishaps? Maybe then it’ll be less trash XD


@CherryblossomJelly thanks! I’ll PM you ❤️


Sure! Just tell me exactly what to do. 