
Hi guys! I know it's been an incredibly long time but I've recently updated a new story. I would love for you to give it a read and let me know what you think? Hope you are all well and enjoying 2015 so far :)


I love saving grace finished it all yesterday night I just couldn't stop but I really really hope you're going to start updating soon cause I can't wait to see what's going to happen and damn they haven't even kissed so please continue ;) Thank you , you're an amazing writer ♥


          Please sign this petition. Rape is never okay and to write a story about a surviving victim falling in love with their attacker is completely absurd. Young readers shouldn't be exposed to stories that promote rape and turn it into something 'beautiful'. It's a horrific act that nobody, man or woman, deserves to go through. I constantly admire survivors for their strength. Please help stop these kind of stories.


this message may be offensive
@Allie_Storyteller Oh no, sweetheart, I'm not angry. I would never get angry at you, or anyone, for having a opinion different to mine. I completely get what you're saying, and I do actually agree with you. 
            The fact they are imaginative enough to write is amazing and maybe their stories are really good, I haven't ever read any so I wouldn't know. My only problem with it is that rape culture is very sensitive - a lot of the time if someone is raped the victim generally gets blamed and someone always says that they were 'asking for it'. Which, of course, is absurd because no one would ever ask to be violated in such a horrible way. 
            It's honestly not the writer's fault if a reader has a certain viewpoint and I completely get that, but their stories - whether intestinally or not - could make rape seem like a lesser crime than it really is. Which is heart breaking because so many people who have been unfortunate enough to go through that experience would be disgusted at the thought of people romanticizing it, when really it's had a huge impact on their lives and I could imagine that they were so upset when it happened. Some overcome the trauma, but not all.
            As an author we use our stories to, well, tell a story and I honestly believe that we should try and spread positive messages. Words are very powerful and stories can effect readers, one of the first stories I ever read has stayed with me to this day because I related to it so much. I just believe that if we have that power to make people want to be better people, or encourage them to live their lives, it should be used for good. Super writers ;)!
            Sorry if this seems like such a rant, and I SWEAR I am in no way having a go at you or an argument. I just wanted to explain myself a bit more, since my previous message wasn't explained very well.
            Also, if you're a fan THANK YOU so much for fanning! I can't tell you how much it means. If you aren't then thank you for commenting on this :)
            - Jasmine xoxo


@_DinoGoRawwr_ omg! I know right? I've been stupidly excited ever since they announced it, it doesn't come out until valentines day next year but I can't wait. I read the books and fell in love about 2/3 years ago and read them all the time :). Wow, thank you. It's really not my best writing but the support really does mean a lot so thank you so much! Feel free to chat to me any time, I love talking to people on wattpad who share the same interests in books, not very often that it actually happens :) xx


@MyName_Veerle when I have time, my coursework deadlines have been top priority but that should all be done by tomorrow. However, I do have exams coming up and I really need to get good grades to be able to get into university this year. I will try and update as quick and as often as I can but honestly it's really hard right now because I have to focus on getting the grades. I hope you understand and thank you so much for reading Saving Grace x