
Hey, guys/people/man/dude/pal/chum/buddy!!!!! I just published the first chapter in this new story-thing I'm working on with @MyLittleKiller. Please read it and comment. I desperately need feedback and criticism thankies ilysm <3


Hey, guys/people/man/dude/pal/chum/buddy!!!!! I just published the first chapter in this new story-thing I'm working on with @MyLittleKiller. Please read it and comment. I desperately need feedback and criticism thankies ilysm <3


@JaiTheDragon Bro, bro. Bro. Broheese. Broseph. Bae. You're not getting the joke...


Whoa, r00d. Jk. I'm not fishing for followers bc I have, like, a lot, considering I only comment stupid things on other people's fanfics XD I do need criticism on my writing, though...


@JaiTheDragon Ooh, jeez. Putting that please and desperately out there makes you sound like you're fishing for followers. HAH! Nerd.


Hey guys!!! I GOT TO SEE MELANIE MARTINEZ IN CONCERT LAST NIGHT!!! Would anyone like it if I made one of those... "Facts about me" things and posted pictures and videos of the concert? Would anyone care? XDDD Anyway, I'm still super happy about it. 


@ JaiTheDragon  ;-; i wish I had been there ;-;


Okay, so I went to put some salt on my pasta (PAAASTAAAAAA XD) and we just switched our salt and pepper shakers to....bride and groom sugar skulls. I had no clue which one had salt so I picked up the bride and shook it into my palm and thought "yep, salt. Of course this one had salt. Women are salty" and then i paused thinking about what i just thought and then died of laughter. XDD help