
Hello there followers! I have started on my next fan fic. Which the story is based off Galaxy far, far away. And the first chapter will be called (Interrogation) I hope you enjoy this next story, which will be dropping soon.


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Hello followers! I hope you all are doing well.  So while I’m trying to connect all the stories together. I’ve been working overtime, Which usually means I pass out when I get home. So sorry that hasn’t been posted in a little while. I haven’t  forgotten about Roxy x reader and I just about have figured out the ending. But before the ending can posted I need a suggestion for another X reader. You’ll understand why once the ending has published. So if you have any ideas, characters you want I fall in love with, fuck or get dominated by or even dominate them. Comment on this post or DM me and let’s go over what you have in mind. I do have a list of characters I can think of to do, for the next part, but I want to give you all the opportunity, to live your fantasies. Again any suggestions, by all mean comment the character or if you have a story idea to go along with the character, then DM me.
          Alright with that being said let’s get through another work week!


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I do appreciate the love I’ve been getting from my stories. But I also been retrieving some not so nice feed back. Why I do respect peoples opinion. You can be nice. One comment actually made me laugh. But he suggested I should leave a sexual content warning. And thats faire. I should have which I fixed. I do not respect people who are just being rude. I know I’m not that good of a writer. I never was. My spelling is definitely shit. Gotta look up words and what not. (Still don’t know how I graduated high school ) But I do this for fun. People enjoy living there fantasies that some people don’t get to really do , Cause some people enjoy different things. Which is why I take request.. I do have rules. But I’m more then to happy to talk over my rules if somebody has a request. Thank you again to the people who love my work. Another Roxy X Reader will be released as soon as I got a day off. Also real quick the comment about how Roxy broke the fourth wall. got reported for some reason. Don’t know why. But I found that so funny.


@Ramzi768 Ya I don’t know why. Like I said after I read your comment. I couldn’t help but laugh.


@BuddyFanfic wait my comment got reported. Ok which one of you fu-


Hello followers! Real quick, I wanted to let you know. I haven’t forgotten about the Roxy X Reader. Been a bit busy, a little under the weather and between that I’m trying to figure out the next part of the story. Will return soon.