
I don't know if any of you know that I am a gamer but I am
          	Me and my two friends were playing a round and we died and I told him my friend, you need to be quiet, some people don't want commentary all the time
          	You know we can't use our mics (me and my buddy have broken mics) so stop bringing it up, it's not our fault we can't and honestly you are annoying me because you say it every round
          	He replied with "then don't ever play with me again, cya."
          	 I was telling him how I felt, he brings it up every match and it just brings me down cause he says "Oh, we probably could've won if we had comms."
          	He knows why I don't talk
          	I try to apologize if I was too harsh by saying:
          	Thanks, sorry for wanting you to turn the commentary down a little. It stresses me out when I am the last one up and people are constantly talking over my thoughts. I tell people all the time but you just took it the wrong way. I need silence to think and concentrate sometimes.
          	I'm sorry if I came off too mean and stuff but you constantly bring up "We lost because we don't have comms" or "That's why you shouldn't push." i hate being reminded of the mistakes I made from the round before, basically how my dad acts, reminding me of the mistakes I make. I'm human and I'm still young, it happens
          	He just says "Whatever:
          	Can someone explain to me how I am a bad friend? Cause If my friend is hurting me vocally I should be allowed to tell him to knock it off right?


@0Marigold34 :heart_hands: :heart_hands: :heart_hands:  Thank you! That really means a lot to me! Thank you for reading and replying to this as well, been stuck thinking about all day :/


@ItzEverling  You’re not a bad friend, your friend needs to knock it off. If he’s really your friend he would know that you can’t focus when you’re constantly being yelled at or if there is too much noice. And there’s nothing you can do about your mic, if it’s broken and you can’t afford a new one that’s not your fault. If this friend cares about it so much than he can buy you a new one if he’s that pressed about it.


I don't know if any of you know that I am a gamer but I am
          Me and my two friends were playing a round and we died and I told him my friend, you need to be quiet, some people don't want commentary all the time
          You know we can't use our mics (me and my buddy have broken mics) so stop bringing it up, it's not our fault we can't and honestly you are annoying me because you say it every round
          He replied with "then don't ever play with me again, cya."
           I was telling him how I felt, he brings it up every match and it just brings me down cause he says "Oh, we probably could've won if we had comms."
          He knows why I don't talk
          I try to apologize if I was too harsh by saying:
          Thanks, sorry for wanting you to turn the commentary down a little. It stresses me out when I am the last one up and people are constantly talking over my thoughts. I tell people all the time but you just took it the wrong way. I need silence to think and concentrate sometimes.
          I'm sorry if I came off too mean and stuff but you constantly bring up "We lost because we don't have comms" or "That's why you shouldn't push." i hate being reminded of the mistakes I made from the round before, basically how my dad acts, reminding me of the mistakes I make. I'm human and I'm still young, it happens
          He just says "Whatever:
          Can someone explain to me how I am a bad friend? Cause If my friend is hurting me vocally I should be allowed to tell him to knock it off right?


@0Marigold34 :heart_hands: :heart_hands: :heart_hands:  Thank you! That really means a lot to me! Thank you for reading and replying to this as well, been stuck thinking about all day :/


@ItzEverling  You’re not a bad friend, your friend needs to knock it off. If he’s really your friend he would know that you can’t focus when you’re constantly being yelled at or if there is too much noice. And there’s nothing you can do about your mic, if it’s broken and you can’t afford a new one that’s not your fault. If this friend cares about it so much than he can buy you a new one if he’s that pressed about it.


Uh oh, chapters might be delayed because I am feeling Sick :/
          Thank you awesome gym teacher that made my class run outside in the pouring rain for an hour. -_-
          I might upload a chapter tomorrow, we'll see. Thank you all for the support! Love ya!


Hello hope your doing well but quick question when are you going to upload part 7 of our pups I really miss this story please I am waiting for it thank you 


@MustafaMustafa586972 oh okay than take your time and I hope that you finish the series because it is amazing  take care 


@MustafaMustafa586972 Yeah, I've been working on it but I'm having a problem with writers block for all my series XD


Hey Guys! I'm gonna be posting more often now that I got the motivation to post. Lately I've been stressed out Irl because i had a lot of work to do with little internet. I wasn't doing so well and gave up on posting since I doubted many people actually like my works but someone irl gave me motivation and now I'm writing again and I'm not single anymore. 
          Thanks for supporting and being patient with me!❤‍


I Deleted my Help Me Out series, I just lost interest sorry.


@ItzEverling it's okey , keep updating the others  i've been waiting for a new chapter from you ♡