
ANNOUNCEMENT #04.. Namaste  hope ya all been doing excellent my wattpad fam in this announcement I have 3 things to say …so here we go :-
          	1. I have just dropped Chapter 3 so check it out and let me know what suggestions/reviews on the comment section 
          	2. As some of you guys know that my partner @Anirud11 is gone on a break due to some urgent  family matter and the break would probably last like a week or 2 also meaning the production will be slower till he comes backs so yeah …be patient that would be appreciated 
          	3. I have a request… please go and follow my original account @REDhood2k99 there are two  reason for my request :-
          	(I) I recently recovered it
          	(II) I don’t trust wattpad it gets ‘twerky’ at times taking down people works for absolute no reason saying it has 18+ content while giving blind eye to fanfic like ‘dxd’ in which girls are barely wearing any clothes …so yeah in case wattpad is like “Ban this mf” and if I have start from 0 I’ll do it on my original account 


ANNOUNCEMENT #04.. Namaste  hope ya all been doing excellent my wattpad fam in this announcement I have 3 things to say …so here we go :-
          1. I have just dropped Chapter 3 so check it out and let me know what suggestions/reviews on the comment section 
          2. As some of you guys know that my partner @Anirud11 is gone on a break due to some urgent  family matter and the break would probably last like a week or 2 also meaning the production will be slower till he comes backs so yeah …be patient that would be appreciated 
          3. I have a request… please go and follow my original account @REDhood2k99 there are two  reason for my request :-
          (I) I recently recovered it
          (II) I don’t trust wattpad it gets ‘twerky’ at times taking down people works for absolute no reason saying it has 18+ content while giving blind eye to fanfic like ‘dxd’ in which girls are barely wearing any clothes …so yeah in case wattpad is like “Ban this mf” and if I have start from 0 I’ll do it on my original account 


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Tbh hope the ben book will do well  cuz usually ben 10 books just get crappy  and more crappy with added aliens outside the playlist  so I hope it does well (I say this cuz I know it will be alien ass  and there are a couple alien ass that is nice) 


@Robotheoxhdz sweet  can't wait for a skyscraper ass


@Robotheoxhdz not the one spawned from Yn watch she will be fertile and superior even to the highBreed higher ups


@Robotheoxhdz yes she will be there for big girls like her Yn watch has feature that they can shrink their size to same as Yn or small girls can grow size same as Yn for ya know …compatibility


NOUNCEMENT #03… Hola✌️hope ya all been doing excellent I have 2 things to say:-
          1. So I am doing this announcement for my friend/partner @Anirud11 some of you guys already know he just finished his fanfic “Y/N 10” and is now working on another fanfic “Nega Y/N 10” on his page anyways so he has posted a poll that would last for about 4 days he needs you guys opinion and support so yeah Please kindly go and vote which fanifc he should work on 
          2. Thanks for showing support on my and @Anirud11 collaborated fanfic “Ben10 X Anomalous Hero” chapter 02 and 03 will be dropping soon …I’ll see you guys there
          (Adios ✌️)


Yo ✌️hope ya all are doing excellent… I am back from my so called- vacation more like going under ground but anyways I was planning to come back little bit earlier but something’s happened anyways I am back at least for a while. I read the voting on my last announcement and it was one sided as I expected it was kinda disappointing that people want same old fanfic at any point everyone have their own taste/preferences so since option a. Won the voting I am going with all new option c. Some of you might be wondering what’s that and my answer is “read to find out” all I can say it’s a collaboration with my friend @anirud11 meaning even if I were to quit wattpad he would continue …chapter 01 will be dropping tomorrow 


@ItzAst yeah! honestly, there is no stories exploring the stories of alternate ben tennysons , we only have the main timeline present, but i think we can do much more in adapting stories! such as benzarro for example, in his timeline the world was ravaged by a zombie virus , kikuharu nakamura on X explored this topic in the form of a mini comic! but there are other worlds too! such as mad ben's world, where is the leader of a dystopian bellwood, or benwood as he calls it, or even a story about ben 23! exploring a world with no grandpa max, and him being self-taught...what I'm saying is that we don't have to follow the ben 10 series on chronological in chronological order if we don't want to! there are other worlds to explore! we can weave our own journey for an alternate ben tennyson, or y/n l/n! so you could say I'm starting a trend I would like to call " #Different Path"...where we explore the paths of these alternate timelines, and make up our own stories of these ben tennysons , or even create our own stories ...such as Canibal99 created the carnitrix, or how trix the alien created the chaquetrix, or the chambatrix, etc....but, if you disagree with me, that's fine, i just wanted to get this all out of my the hardcore ben 10 that i am, i have a lot of ideas i want to explore and put out there!


@anirud11 Do check Ani fanfic he brings up very interesting ideas and concepts I personally enjoy his “Nega Ben10” as its original unlike our typical Ben 10 fainfics 


@ItzAst yeah! to AST's fellow folowers, all I can say is , wait to find out what we're cooking....also, be sure to check out Y/N 10 : Hero Of Heroes! it's coming to end with part 3! which will release soon enough


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Wattpad sent my Batman book to the Shadow Realm said it was promoting sexual content man I can't have shit on this app they be camping


@TheTeaEnjoyerBlack I personally don’t like A03 as you mentioned it’s hella old and messed it kills the whole mood of reading a fanfic and that’s why I created a back up account in case Wattpad again got drunk and this time shot my whole account down


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@ ItzAst  seems very SUS to me, well I hope that Wattpad either finally gets it's shit together, or find a better website than this, even though AO3 is a good start, its UI is a mess, and registration method is VERY weird


@TheTeaEnjoyerBlack The irony that dxd/ntr/lemon fanfic never gets down as if Wattpad is giving them blind eye but when it comes western fanfic like Ben 10 etc it doest hesitates before shoting us down