
I'm still here, I was just inactive for a very long time. Sorry to anyone who actually missed me. Anyway, I am starting some new stuff, mainly a new short story that I posted yesterday. Give it a read and tell me what you think. Tootles my Noodles.


I'm still here, I was just inactive for a very long time. Sorry to anyone who actually missed me. Anyway, I am starting some new stuff, mainly a new short story that I posted yesterday. Give it a read and tell me what you think. Tootles my Noodles.


I just posted a new poem for you guys. Now if you like that and want more tell me because I have a poem that is similar to "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allen Poe because I used the same form but a completely different theme and word selection. Enjoy and vote please. :)


At the end of this college semester I should have at the very least about 10 poems and a short story for your literary consumption. I am taking Creative Writing for my major, so I hope to learn enough to improve and provide something for you guys to read. Don't give up on me just yet. :)


I hate to do this but I think I need to put HIAC 'on hold' I just can't bring myself to sit down and write right now. I tried, I really did, but I have been working and catching up on my recreational reading. I just haven't gotten the time to type. Sorry...although I don't know who I am apologizing to. :) Anyway yeah, I will try and come back to HIAC but I don't know when.