
just an update for anyone still around. i have started Gym and working towards my dream job so yay. I also fell in love and then out of love after they threatened physical violence. leaving that reletionship seemed to take something out of me and i fell my writing has gotten worse, which is why that has not been any update to any story for years now, as i don't want to put out something bad.
          	so i have been spending all this time trying to get back to a point at which i can feel is good enough for you all.
          	which has left alot of diffrent short stories or few chapters in those stories. if anyone would be instrested in giving them a read, then let me know and i will put em all out in a single book
          	Ps Helldivers be a good game!


just an update for anyone still around. i have started Gym and working towards my dream job so yay. I also fell in love and then out of love after they threatened physical violence. leaving that reletionship seemed to take something out of me and i fell my writing has gotten worse, which is why that has not been any update to any story for years now, as i don't want to put out something bad.
          so i have been spending all this time trying to get back to a point at which i can feel is good enough for you all.
          which has left alot of diffrent short stories or few chapters in those stories. if anyone would be instrested in giving them a read, then let me know and i will put em all out in a single book
          Ps Helldivers be a good game!


a little update.
          lifes better and I've gotten back into writing (privately but they may be released if i feel like it)
          but still dont have motiavtion to do my books yet, but im getting closer!
          hope to see you all soon.
          ps. achivment unlocked "get a gf"


Why thank you rose


@Irondoom Welcome back! Glad you’ve gotten back to writing for pleasure. Take your time to get back to Wattpad. Also, congrats on your achievement!


so my motivation for any of the stories i have already made just decided to go kill it self. while my motivation for a larger project has grown
          so i wanna know if you all are interested in getting a peak at the project?


Don’t push your self to hard, do what you think would be better 


this message may be offensive
guess what!
          this stressed ass bitch has finally regained motivation to start writing again, so YAY!
          so expect at least one chapter for a random story within a few weeks and yes i know it aint much, but i dont wanna tempt fate by going into over drive and lose motivation
          -irondoom signing off *turns to dust and blows away*


@FatefulBlowing hear you like it mate


Guess who just  ran through a glass door


@Irondoom I have had that happen to me before. But I was younger back then so don’t feel too bad.


I am now, but I almost past out


Morning to all the idiots out there who can’t sleep, or just live in a deferent time zone 
           From an idiot who couldn’t sleep since 4:56. It’s 7:43 and I’m tired, so could someone get me a coffee or something?



