
Sorryyyyyyy, will update tomorrow!! Abnormal is addictive to write, I'm glad this idea got stuck in my head, xx


The amount of giggling I do every day is making ME nuts, can't imagine what it does to those around me. I giggle for everything, I can't be serious or laugh like a real person, I nervous giggle and angry giggle and funny giggle. I'm a Guineapig, I swear.


No matter how things are going one thing that will never change is me not giving a damn what people think of what I write, I will always write because I want to, because I love to do so :)
          Yes, positive feedback is awesome and so good but I have been writing since I was eight without any feedback whatsoever for years, if I have it or not now won't make a difference. Xx 


@moaningashton  I fell in love with it the minute I saw it!!! It's lovely :) do you think you can take a look at my story? It will me a pleasure to read yours :D


You're welcome!! :D Do you think you can take a look at my story? I'm only starting. It would mean the world to me. Thanks!!