
A brand new chapter is up for Citizen Rogue, I'd really appreciate some more votes as we hurtle closer towards the final act and ultimately the finale. All is about to become clear! I appreciate all the support so far and would love to see the book continue to climb the Sci-Fi chart!


A brand new chapter is up for Citizen Rogue, I'd really appreciate some more votes as we hurtle closer towards the final act and ultimately the finale. All is about to become clear! I appreciate all the support so far and would love to see the book continue to climb the Sci-Fi chart!


Great bio very informative and I see you're doing something with your life I too like older science fiction, but I did write a little novel, first chapter here on Wattpad. Anyway, thanks for the follow, and may you find the greatness inside yourself through your writing.
          We were born a starfaring race, can't you feel it in your bones when you look at the night sky? @chrisbieniek7


@ChrisBieniek7 Thanks so much for your comment. I really appreciate you taking the time. :) 