
Merry Christmas!


Hello! I have started a new fic that’s going to be an alternate version to The Green Light, I’ll be exploring ideas I wanted to include but didn’t in the original fic, give Orange Lights a look if you’re interested :D


Well hello there, this is for those who’ve read The Green Light.
          I was thinking of writing an alternate version of the fic.
          Because tbh, I was really considering making Dylan x (Y/n) canon but didn’t end up doing that because I wasn’t sure how readers would take that. Though seeing everyone sort of shipping it, makes me want to go back and make it official.
          So I was thinking of making an alternate version of the story where it becomes endgame along with a couple of plot changes and some ideas I didn’t end up going with.
          I’ll still leave the original up and the fic would largely remain the same but yeah, what do you guys think?


That’s sounds good! It’s whatever your choice is <3 if you decide to go with that we’re gonna be happy you’re back!! I also really enjoy your book with the male reader x todoroki btw 


I just want to let people know that once I finish Do I want to be a Hero, that I won't be starting anymore stories on this site. 
          Once it's done that's it, no more stories.
          I've already removed all of my discontinued books (sorry to those that enjoyed them) and updated some covers for finished books that still had my old username.
          If you want more content from me, I do have a couple of things up on AO3 under the same username as this one but that's as much you'll get. I won't be uploading them here. 
          Thanks for understanding ^•^


@LeviRailMePlease aww thanks, that means a lot to hear :’D 


@Inactive235 well we understand but these books that you’ve made are really good and it’s sad that you aren’t writing anymore but whatever makes you happy makes us happy :)


@TheTieDyeGrrl I just don’t really have any more ideas for a story on here tbh, though I have been considering rewriting one of my books because I had ideas that I never ended up following through in it.


Is anyone else getting what is most likely porn bots commenting suspicious links to websites or photos on their stories? I’ve had at least 4 commenting on various stories and wanted to know if anyone else was getting it.


@Whispy_Ghosty I have not seen those types of comments or links  even though I don't have stories I write but I would know how it will feel of getting those things on your own stories


@ Whispy_Ghosty  I got one yes