
Made new cover for The Chosen Son. Check it out and tell me what you think! 
          	I'll keep the old as an inside cover. Thank you so much for your hard work on the first cover @Malakeyegod ! 


Hi! Thank you so much for the votes on Flourish and Blotts and also for adding Serendipity to your Reading List! It means so much to me! :)
          Have a great day/night!


@DoveMalfoy19 Your welcome sweetheart! And i cant wait to start it! 


@DoveMalfoy19 ahh, thank you! I hope you enjoy reading the other one too! :) 
            Also, thank you so much for the follow! :D


@DoveMalfoy19 No problem! The first caught my eye and it was really good so i added the other so i can read it too.


Hey dear readers if you haven't looked at it yet please read The Story Of Raven Lee. And if you like it then give The Chosen Son a read. Its just now being written but still I want to give this main character the love he needs. So please feel free to read! 


Ello all my faithful followers! Sorry for the late post on Raven. I had a major computer meltdown and had to take it into the shop to get fixed. Its hard to write these last chapters on the app because I want them to be perfect bc the end is coming soon!! I hope to have at least two chapters for you guys to read today and then another tomorrow if not more. My mind is in over drive with excitement and determination for these last chapters so hang on with me through this wild ride!!


Tomorrow is my 25th birthday and I think I'll treat everyone to a happy gift! I might add a Raven chapter along with the first chapters of my other books! 
          Let me know if you would like this! Please tell me by tonight or early morning!
          Love you my dear readers 


Hi guys! Been a good minute but I want to tell you about something I think is really cool! My friend @Malakeyegod is having another battle royal!
           Its where he will take a character or two of your own creation from one of your own stories, ones that you choose, and he will make them face one of his own!
           It will be put into a story that he will post but its way worth it! I've read one he did before and I really liked it! So come on guys! If you like action and epic battles this is it for you!  Go check out his page and you'll find the instructions to add your characters to the list! 
          P.S. if you like Saber from my story Raven Lee he will be there for sure! 
          Love from Vampy ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ but really go check it out! We need your amazing characters! 


Hey guys been a busy few weeks! So sorry the Raven chapter hasn't came out yet. I hope by next Friday the latest to have at least one maybe two chapters up. So sorry for the long wait, just spring is happening and I do a lot of things being I live on a small farm and we grow our own food during spring and summer. But I'll have it up soon! 
          MEOW =^-^=