I'm a late, late 30-something, stay-at-home mom of three to a 10yo girl, 11yo boy & 18yo young man, although now it's just my youngest two at home. I've been happily married to the most remarkably amazing man for the past 13 years. I'm *Bipolar (literally, not ha-ha figuratively) & *ADHD which seems to work both for & against me... yay. I also have a B.S. degree in Social Psychology — go figure.

*Bipolar II disorder — characterized by high episodes of euphoria and low episodes of depression, together known as hypomania. Hypomania differs from mania in two important respects. While hypomania can affect functioning and quality of life in all facets for an individual with bipolar II disorder, it is not as severe as manic episodes, which may require hospitalization. Second, hypomania does not involve psychosis.

*ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type — individuals with serious inattention problems, but not much problem with hyperactivity/impulsive symptoms.

  • Texas, USA
  • JoinedNovember 11, 2012