
this message may be offensive
Alright, so. Hello. As you can see, I am not dead (references anyone?).
          	Sorry for the extended leave of absence. The world went to shit and rather than enjoy our mandated leave from society, my mental health decided to just fuck off into the sunset, so...
          	I know this isn't what you guys asked for, but the next chapter of Nobody Said It Was Easy is up, so go check it out! Next on my list is Who We Used to Be, which I will hopefully have out within the month (if my brain decides to cooperate and let me finish something for once).
          	Stay healthy, you guys! :)


@ Iamareadingaddict818  I'm glad to hear from you again. Hope you're doing better. I love your stories and can't wait to read more! Take all the time you need.


Saw that you haven't updated any of your stories since the middle of last year, and I'm hoping you're doing okay. Just wanted to let you know that "Nobody Said It Was Easy" is genuinely one of the best crossovers I've read on this site, I hope you pick it back up eventually.


this message may be offensive
Alright, so. Hello. As you can see, I am not dead (references anyone?).
          Sorry for the extended leave of absence. The world went to shit and rather than enjoy our mandated leave from society, my mental health decided to just fuck off into the sunset, so...
          I know this isn't what you guys asked for, but the next chapter of Nobody Said It Was Easy is up, so go check it out! Next on my list is Who We Used to Be, which I will hopefully have out within the month (if my brain decides to cooperate and let me finish something for once).
          Stay healthy, you guys! :)


@ Iamareadingaddict818  I'm glad to hear from you again. Hope you're doing better. I love your stories and can't wait to read more! Take all the time you need.


i feel annoying but i just wanted to make sure you were still alive


that’s good


@generalofloki5 they are, they updated one of their stories on fanfiction.net a couple days ago