
i think im in love again 


@Strawberry_JuJu222 thank you! Idk how to feel ab it at all but yea hehe


this message may be offensive
@HonwyBun20 hiii amira, ooh so it's the exam season for everyone ! Happy studying! I know you'll ace each and every one of them. I just gave 2 exams yesterday. It was stressful lol but turned out actually smooth, hoping for the best*fingers crossed* No WHAT why would you thank someone for that? It's literally the bare minimum! One ought to ask your well being <3. I'm almost done with my second assignment. One more to go! Let's get shit done, we'll cheer each other on to keep from putting off ANY work. Happy sexy morning!


hii Amira, are we alive??  


@blcklord damn yeahh your username kinda confused me hehe. But yes, it's been really stressful for me as well with exams finishing and the new week starting with other subjects and work. Ughh. Anyways, Thank you for asking for my well being <3. 
            I hope good wishes for you on your assignments. Much love ♡♡


@HonwyBun20 girl it's been almost a year since I left wattpad, it seems drier than before now that I joined back. I'm completing some assignments, you love? Btw I'm Ash I don't expect you to remember me because I changed my user again haha


@blcklord heyy!! yeah kinda haha.
             What's upp? 