Hey. It's rare that I'm in the mood to write something, but when I do I hope y'all like it. Thank you for reading :)
  • RegistriertSeptember 2, 2017

Geschichten von Anonymous
Jemma-the way it should be von Holly__xox
Jemma-the way it should be
A fanfic about Cassandra Clare's TDA, and basically 4 chapters of absolute smut with some cuteness and sadnes...
Wild blood von Holly__xox
Wild blood
Basically a draft for when I finally figure out how to write the real thing and feel like the story's actuall...
Julian- The way it had it to be. von Holly__xox
Julian- The way it had it to be.
This is a sequel to my original story 'Jemma- the way it should be' I hope you enjoy! Credit to hauntedduckpr...
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