
idk if anyone will see or respond to this but has anyone lost a pet before?
          	I lost my dog of like 10 years on the 24th and its been really hard for me. I didn't realize it would hurt this bad and im so used of seeing her/ feeding her/ walking/ playing with her that now everything feels so....dull??? 
          	Anyone have any advice to deal with a loss of a pet?
          	I know it might sound stupid feeling so distraught about this but i cant help it 


@harrypotsandpans im so sorry for your loss ❤ Thank you for your kind words. Means a lot


I remember when i lost my dog i felt very hollow. he supported me emotionally in many ways a grew up with me. when he died i didn’t really understand what to do without him but as i was healing, i went outside and got fresh air, thought back to some of the memories i had with him and all sorts of things. i understand that it may be rough and i hope you get through this. it’s not easy losing something or someone you love. ❤️


@FuShiSara im so sorry for your loss 
          	  Thank you for your words❤