Hi, I'm Hari. 

I'm very new to WATTPAD (he shouted for no reason) and so I've been sitting here for the last hour sipping nun's tears and trying to conjure up an appropriate profile. But, I'm very rarely who I think I am so, actually, there is really no point. I just hope that you get something from my words.

Also, a WARNING: The sensitive nature of some of the subjects covered in my writing may be triggering to some readers.

Published Work:

Breach - Issue #05: Black Holy
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B079WL7C8S/ref=sr_1_4?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1518991460&sr=1-4

Breach - Issue #06: Tongue
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07CP24875

Breach - Issue #07: The Naked Astronaut
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07FK1G7JY

Breach - Issue #09: The Cancer Giver
AntipodeanSF - Issue #239: Leading the Swan http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/10063/20180620-0000/www.antisf.com.au/the-stories/help-us.html

Check out the @antipodeansf podcast of my story "Leading the Swan", wonderfully narrated by Carolyn Eccles.
Winner of the Australasian Horror Writers Association [AHWA] Flash Fiction Award 2018 - The Nymph by Hari Navarro
Staff Writer: https://365tomorrows.com/

You'll find here a selection of my flash fiction. 365 tomorrows is a collaborative project designed to present readers with a new piece of short science and speculative 'flash' fiction each day.
Please feel free to stalk me on Twitter and Instagram:
t: https://twitter.com/HariFiction
ig: https://www.instagram.com/harinavarro_writer/
  • Italy
  • JoinedMarch 14, 2018

2 Reading Lists