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Ahhhhh!!! Vol 20 of Grimgar got delayed again! For a second time...! After nearly 2 Years!!!


          Ayanokoji and the others in COTE in Grimgar as Volunteer Soldiers will they be arc that it so going to be very dangerous, difficult and to much to handle that even Ayanokoji will find this is quite the struggle.


@dcraus123 definitely. 
            There will be opponents that even Kiyotaka and his team find it difficult to handle or just impossible to take down.


I'm not native to speaking English, and while understanding them is one thing, conveying them is another thing. Especially on writing.
          Anyway, what I simply wanted to say is that I initially wanted to release 4 Chapters at once yesterday night, but because DeepL has this Limitation per Day, I can't. I've done writing 2+ Chapters today, and actually the Lemon as well, and should be released tomorrow after translating the 8th Chapter of Arc 3 to the first 2 Chapters of Arc 4.


@GrimGuy11 Your work is amazing. I really enjoyed it