
Hey guys! So for my new book, Secrets, I need a different cover. I like making my own covers, but I'm not really good at it. So if you guys could be generous enough to make one for me, I'll give you a shoutout because of your awesomeness and yeah. Love ya long time. 


Hey guys! So for my new book, Secrets, I need a different cover. I like making my own covers, but I'm not really good at it. So if you guys could be generous enough to make one for me, I'll give you a shoutout because of your awesomeness and yeah. Love ya long time. 


I have an idea for the next chapter! Here it is:
          Callie hides somewhere in the room Mitch and Midnight are, and Mitch leaves to do something (idc what), leaving Midnight in the room alone. Jerome then comes into the room, and slaps and kicks Midnight, while telling her off for taking Mitch away from Callie. With one final kick, he starts to leave, but Midnight calls put his name. Jerome turns, glares at Midnight, and asks how she knows his name. She whispers "High School," and Jerome immediately comes and hugs Midnight. (You can decide what happened in high school with Mitch and Midnight) Mitch comes back, and then Jerome and Mitch get into a huge fight. Note: Callie is still hiding somewhere in the room. You then can decide what happens after all dis.
          Hope u like my idea! ^^


 I love you so much!