


Hey guys, I just wanna say I'm sorry for the lack of anything from me on here lately, I've been in and out of hospital and constantly at the doctors  for check ups cause I've been so ill. I want to spend as much time on here as I can but with recent events, it  isn't really possible for me, this is like the first time in almost two months that I can sit down and post something properly. So yeah, sorry guys but I hope you all understand, I love you all <3


this message may be offensive
Sorry I've been really lacking in everything lately, I've been going through a  shit load of stuff, and I still am, but I'm trying my best to stay strong and continue as I was. So yeah, sorry guys


I honestly couldn't be more excited right now, in four days I'm getting to meet my best friend ever @Chloe99_SKITTLES! But it's all down to Wattpad. We'd never have known each other if it wasn't for this website and I'm honestly so glad. So to all of you guys with Internet friends that you really want to meet; don't give up, it'll happen someday and honestly, it's an amazing yet terrifying feeling knowing that how ever long you're spending with that friend is what your friendship, how ever long it's existed, has been leading up to. Never give up hope guys, it'll happen so enough and it'll be so worth the wait <3


Okay guys! I have a new story that I've just started writing and I should hopefully have it up tomorrow (Monday) or Tuesday. I've sent the first chapter to my editor and I should hopefully have it back tomorrow, and I should hopefully have the cover ready by tomorrow too. It's something fairly different to what I've written in the past - it's a fiction romance rather than a fanfiction but I felt like giving it a shot. I really hope you guys enjoy it, love you all x