
          	Hello, cubs! It truly has been a long, long time since I've seen you all! I hope you all are doing well :)
          	Hopefully my motivation will stay with me and I can properly say I'm back and here to stay :)


          I know I haven't been that active, and I truly do apologize for that. Senior year, family issues, and having a part-time job is really rough to juggle altogether. This year has been tough for many people, and I was no exception. However, I do promise that I have things planned, and I have things in the works. Do expect something soon, okay? And again, I really am sorry. ❤❤❤


Haven't been on this profile in a hot minute, hmm? I wanted to hop on and just say I'm sorry (for like, the hundredth time---). I'm just in a tough place right now, and I haven't really been motivated to write. I've started to write here and there, but I don't really stick with it like I usually do. I'll try and be back soon, I promise. For now, though, I gotta get back to work. I'll be on when I can, okay? I'll try and write more, and hopefully you cubs will hear something from me soon


@GloweyTheBear Its okay ^^, Take your time and write when you have the motivation and are happy when writing. Its better when your happy and motivated to write than forcing yourself ^^. I hope your okay and safe. I hope you have a fantastic day or night ^^
            be safe out there please ^^


Hi there, cubs! I just wanted to get on here to tell you all that I've been going through a lot of changes lately (most of them good), and I plan on being back for good soon! It'll be a little complicated to work into my schedule, but I'm gonna make it work! I've really missed writing for you all, and even though you might've grown tired of waiting on me or you just don't like what I write anymore, I plan on writing more! It's a very good coping skill, and I really need to integrate it into my life again. With that being said, I wish you all a very happy day, and I hope to see you soon! ❤❤❤❤


So this month has quite possibly been one of the worst months of my life. Not because the things that happened were that bad, just the fact that they happened one after the other. My stress, anxiety, and depression are just going crazy right now, and I've barely felt like doing much of anything this month. But you know what? I dealt with it. I got a job, I've been working, and I've been doing good in school. I'm proud of myself. Well anyways, with all of that being said, it's safe to say I've once again failed NaNoWriMo.  But that's okay, there's more years to come, right? One year I know I'll get it. I'm gonna start working on Adulation from now on, since I know I won't do NaNoWriMo. I hope you guys can understand. We all go through hard times in life, but just know that one day, you're gonna get through it, okay? I love you, cubs, and I'll hopefully be back on soon. Maybe not tonight, since I have work, but quite possibly tomorrow. See you soon cubs ❤


Wait, didnt you have an LJ x reader?  girl 


@GloweyTheBear I sure hope so lmfao-- lmk when it's up I wanna read it again ಥ‿ಥ I'm back to my horny fan girl phase lol


@FuckingSkewer I'm gonna rewrite it eventually, it's in my drafts lmaoooo