
For personal reasons I’m taking down We’re Hooked. If you would like to read something similar just keep your eyes open!! I’m going to be starting a new book but better!! Love you all!! Stay safe and healthy ♥️♥️


Ok, so I need all of your opinions. Would you like me to rewrite Negan’s Girl, but have it be a bit different? Or have a completely different story? If so do you still want it to involve the Walking Dead or would you like something different? Also, if it were to be The Walking Dead, would you want it to be a Carl or Henry fan fic? Thanks <3


I’m not going to be posting anything for a while... I’m truly sorry... but some things in my life have popped up and I need time to myself to get myself back together before I post anything... so if your waiting for the new story for Negan’s Girl that isn’t Negan’s Girl, then you’ll be waiting a little longer.... I’m so so sorry and I hope you can all understand. Much love


@daniel_whydontwejust yes I’m fine, I just need time to figure some things out for my story and my life. I’ll text you if I need too but thank you


Hey are you ok? You can always talk to me


For all that have read Negan’s Girl, I thank you. You are wonderful people and I’m so glade to have you guys read it. Today I like to announce that the new version of Negan’s Girl is going to be different from the original. Here is a list of what is different: 1) the names 2) the plots 3) how they all meet 4) where it begins 5) the title of the book (there is only one Negan’s Girl on my profile) 6) how the main character finds and meet Carl 7) the death of Carl will not happen and lastly 8) it will have much better grammar for I was only ten-ish when I first wrote Negan’s Girl. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. Goodbye. ~GirlWalkerKiller