PROLOGUE OF PROMISED IS OUT! i hope you guys like it!


Due to some things that have happened these past days, we have made the decision to close down our applications for joining our joint account for a little while. We will probably open it up later on, but for now we feel more comfortable not having new members. We will still be updating, so do not worry! Thank you and we hope you guys understand.


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hi everyone! its wensday! i just wanted to say im sorry to everyone we unfollowed!! its NOTHING personal thats just how we run our account, we only follow our members. we had to unfollow because a "hacker" followed a ton of people and that wasnt cool of them seeing as they know how we run our account. in addition to that, two of our books got deleted, we were "hacked". one got deleted by the "hacker" because it was apparently "insensitive" but the people who applied for it applied at their own risk and had no hard feelings to our knowledge. if we knew someone was hurt then we would've apologized obviously but again to our knowledge no one who was rated has complained. our bio was also changed to 'do be a badass dont be a dumbass', this just goes to show that the "hacker" (again i use this term loosely) did not know who nicole richie is. but nicole richie never gives a shit so neither do we <3 anyway just wanted to update yall, we LOVE you guys, and for those who read our books we are so grateful and will continue to be grateful and show our gratitude <33333 much love,, 
          xoxo, GiRLSWURLD 


Aw well I hope you get everything figured out! Best wishes! <3