

I removed some chapters of Fairy Tail’s book from the publications to rearrange them (lexical and grammatical corrections, adjustments, possible improvements, etc.). Unfortunately, I deleted an important one by mistake and I had not made a copy.
          Before I go on with the story, I wanted to ask you two things:
          - Do you prefer a small harem (2 or 3 people maximum) or a single lover? In the first case (harem), how much are you willing to come to terms with?
          - Do you prefer that I follow the original plot or do I change where it is most appropriate?


@Garga11 I think I'm ok with just a small harem as long they have true feelings for each other that all right in my opinion.


How about this for next idea to write that shirou and Saber son was transported to black clover universe and I like your work and hope you write more in future because each of your stories are great 


@Ryuga3578 Sorry for not writing much lately, but I haven't had much free time. I'd rather write a good chapter once for week week than many rush ones.
            Your idea is good and I like it, but I need to think about it for a moment. The issue is my lack of time.


Garga11 this is Oddity999, can you give me some tips on a fate crossover idea I have?


@Garga11 *shivers* I feel bad for Kiyohime considering what happened to her. But I make it a point to avoid Yanders. There are some girls in the Fate verse I wouldn't mind dating. Those being Nitocris, Tamamo no mae, Bazett, Luvia, Suzuka Gozen. And Caster Wu Zentian.


@Oddity999 Maybe, but I admit I don’t know much about Lakshimibai.
            When it comes to bad luck, there are many other good characters to consider, such as EMIYA. In terms of emotional distress, the love-obsessed madwoman Kiyohime is the best. But I understand the exotic nature of your choice.


@Garga11 And I'm just say that Lakshimbai would be a really good fit for Touma. As they might end up laughing about their experiences with bad luck.


Will you still update Fate/astral?


@minecraftthalleus No, Chaldea has nothing to do with this.
            Besides, I’m working on the new chapter in the few free moments I have.


@Garga11 I see... I know this seems like I'm asking a spoiler but... Is the reason Chaldea is in the kimisen Timeline is because of another Holy Grail spawning?
            I'm just asking Incase you won't update your book anytime in the future 