
Seeing Stray Kids in Hyde Park in July. Someone pinch me!!


Hello my lovely readers/followers! 
          I know some of you are patiently waiting for the new chapter of Always There, and I promise it is coming! (Maybe tomorrow if you're lucky ) but I also have another story which I'll be working on at the same time!
          It's a Scream 5 Fic called Daughter Of A Killer. And my best friend features in it as well. I'm so excited to see where I can take it!.
          So make sure to look out for Always There tomorrow as well as Daughter Of A Killer whenever that comes out. Have a wonderful night peeps 


Just cleared out my library of stories I'm never gonna read/ have already read or don't like anymore. It's never looked this bare ever lol


@Yourl0calafrican haha lol. I just knew I wasn't going to read half the stuff I had in there so I just got ride of it lol


@JaeIsConfused omg same. I couldn’t believe some of the stuff I used to read lol


I did that a couple days ago. Made me so embarrassed looking at what I used to read lol