
Another apology for the delays.  Life stuff.  Finished a degree.  Looked for a job.  Found a job.  Had to get used to the new lifestyle.  Most of you have been there, that weird transition phase of something where you spend all your energy just getting your bearings again.  Thank you for the comments and your patience with me.


@ GalaRey  hey. I loved your work and I think I am addicted. Please let me know if you are available to finish it. 


Please update your story! It's so beautiful I NEED to read the rest of it


@WilliamShezzaHolmes yessss I need more but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen :(((


@ DivTiger  you still here? 


hello! i'm currently reading your book 'catching the ghost,' and i just wanted to say how amazing your writing is! word choice, description, the emotions that you so flawlessly allow the readers to feel... you, my dear, are astounding!
          i hope you have a wonderful day/night, and best wishes with your future original works! ❤


Another apology for the delays.  Life stuff.  Finished a degree.  Looked for a job.  Found a job.  Had to get used to the new lifestyle.  Most of you have been there, that weird transition phase of something where you spend all your energy just getting your bearings again.  Thank you for the comments and your patience with me.


@ GalaRey  hey. I loved your work and I think I am addicted. Please let me know if you are available to finish it. 


Did catching the ghost end ? (Not trying to push you just wondering.) 


Nope. Combination of factors causing the delay.  Overtime at work combined with the fact that Chapter 31 is a long one and tricky because it plays on a lot of back and forth between two geniuses messing with poor Seb's head, among other things.  