          I'm glad that you love it. Though I do have two different endings in mind but am unsure if I should add the second one in as a optional ending. Where the reader can choose weather Zara gets her "Happily ever after" or she get a bad ending and eventually get her "Happily ever after" in another potential crossover, like The Legend Of Spyro universe, or not at all. What are your thoughts on this?


          Hey there!
          I'm so glad that you like my story Zara New Life! Thank you for saying I'm a good writer, though I don't think I'm one of the best, but I am glad you like my writing style. I also have an account on Archive Of Our Own (AO3 as they call it) if you're interest. Sorry there hasn't been any up dates on ZNL as of late, I'm having a bit of Writers Block. But i have not abandoned it! There will be more eventually.
          Have a grate day!