
Nothing says getting humbled like getting your seven-year-old Instagram account suspended because you're on the app to much T_T
          	Anyway, my new instagram account is @whistle.writes if anyone wants to follow, and I hope to post more writing stuff on there


Hi I had a question about your current Robin fanfic to do with Young Justice? 
          I have a request for your one shot book of the Team finding out about Dick's identity or maybe just Artemis working it out and then truly apologising to Rheese for how she acted when she first found out about their relationship?
          I know it has been a while since you updated it so no worries if you just aren't feeling the story anymore but I just really enjoyed it and had the idea when I went back to reread for like the twentieth time.


Thanks and there isn’t any rush!


@Kols_butterfly that is a good idea! I do plan on continuing their story, I swear, the next updates I'm working on are for my Power Rangers fic and then my Criminal Minds fic, but after that, I should get back to DC and I'll think about writing down your idea! :)


Hey @FreedomWhistle how are you I have a quick question I’ve been meaning to ask. In your book TRATC you wrote something about a ultimate spider-man fic and I was wondering about that. 


@FreedomWhistle okay if you do end up reposting it I’ll definitely read it 


@canderloro yeah, I had one a while ago where a teenage Dinah Lance/Black Canary was the FMC/love interest,  but I ended up deleting it over a year ago because I lost interest. I may revive it at some point (I do like the Ultimate Spider-Man show) but with how Wattpad is changing their guidelines and stuff, I may end up posting it on my AO3 account instead


Finally managed to slog my way through reading HOFAS, and I have thoughts.
          In no particular order:
          1. Ithan and Tharion don't deserve as much hate from the Maas fans as they get, and while I like Ithan more than Tharion, both deserve better
          2. The crossover was the hardest part for me to get through (mainly because I'm not at all a fan of Nesta) but I also think it was a huge cash grab, and I like Nesta in this book more than I like Bryce (aside from the Nesta-giving-away-two-of-Prythian's-strongest-weapons-to-a-girl-who-betrayed-her thing)
          3. If there is such a thing as reverse Character development, Bryce gets an A+ in that category. She presumably hates the Fae and yet continuously used her status as the Starborn Princess to get what she wanted, it was ridiculous
          4. Don't even get me started on her treatment of Hunt in this book
          5.SJM, I don't think is very good at writing queer rep, and Lidia's sons almost instantly calling her mom even though they've known her all of like, an hour, when they had been raised perfectly well by a guy couple, gave me an icky feeling
          There's probably more, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head. I also got this book from the library because I refuse to give SJM my money because I DO NOT like her at all for a whole multitude of reasons


oof I meant *gay couple at #5, sorry


The uproar about the 1830s lyric in "I hate it here" is Taylor wasn't romanticizing it, she's saying how OTHER people romanticize about wanting to live in a different decade/century etc, and a couple lines later says that it would suck regardless of nostalgia.


Heyy, hope you're okay xx Literally can't believe Wattpad is getting rid of the messaging feature, xx My Tumblr is hannahvincent077 if you want to add, xx ♡♡ Is your AO3 the same username as it is on here??xx ♡♡


@FreedomWhistle Thought I'd replied, but I can't wait for Complicated xx ♡♡


@FreedomWhistle honestly a joke xx Cool, I'll add you on there xx My Tumblr is hannahvincent077 as well if you have it xxx
            There's a petition as well to try and get wattpad to stop it xx 


@HannahEV12 Yes, it is! I'm working on the next chapter for my Power Rangers fic, Blackened Topaz, right now but after that, I plan on updating Complicated, because I recently started watching Criminal Minds again, and it reignited my love for Cassie and Morgan! :)


Wattpad's changing their community guidelines in a kind of funky way, so just wanted to let you all know that all of my stories are also on Archive of Our Own (AO3) under the same username, if you wanted to also read them there.
          I plan to update my stories soon, I promise! I think I finally got into a rhythm for updating, so they should start rolling out within the next couple of weeks. But, since Wattpad's being weird, don't worry, I also have them on AO3 :)


Hey @FreedomWhistle how are you I have a quick question. I was wondering about your criminal minds and if you happen to still be writing it. As it’s been awhile since it was last updated 


@FreedonWhistle okay thanks for letting me know looking forward to reading it


@canderloro Yes, I know it's been literally forever since I've updated it, but I DO still want to continue it. I'm trying to get into a rhythm where I update each of my stories one chapter at a time, so once I finish the next chapter of my Power Rangers, fic, Complicated should be next (and then hopefully the next gap-year chapter)