
i am never on here sorry if anyone is interested in helping out please contact me


well, i'm trying to restart this account... anyone willing to help?


I would be glad to be able to help you in any way, because campaigns like these mean to me a lot. I know a lot of people who's suffering from different kinds of disorders, but can't talk about their problems. I think it's a great opportunity to help those people and authors who want to write about that subject. (:


Developmental coordination disorder, or DCD, is uncommon, and was recently discovered. I was the first in my county, possibly even state, to be diagnosed with it. It is commonly mistaken for arthritis. It is a mutation. While in utero, the muscles are developed a lot. When these muscles aren't developed correctly, it results in DCD. This slows (or in some cases, even stops) certain social checkpoints, such as tying shoes or walking. While in most cases it does not result in a child being confined to a wheelchair, they may find they trip constantly, tire quickly, and have overall trouble balancing. Most times, this can cause distancing from peers, because they have trouble playing catch or riding a bike. I was unable to ride a bike properly until after age 8. Handwriting with children of DCD is often poor, as a result of tired, aching hand muscles that simply are not comfortable in the typical writing hand position. 
          I just scratched the surface, but I hope that you'll cover DCD soon!


@-OneShatteredOne- i'm sorry that this is eight months late, but i'll cover it as soon as i fully start up again!


Hey there! We are Project Our Singapore Story and we aim to promote the Singapore spirit in Wattpad. More details can be found in our profile. We'd really appreciate it if you could support our project by following us and giving us a shoutout! Thank you so much :) 
          Would you also like to join us as an affiliate? :)


Thank you for creating this campaign. Our book Pancakes and Paper Planes's Protagonist has a severe anxiety disorder. So this is really cool.
          Also my campaign page @Allcharactersmatter would love to have an affiliations with you if ya wishes so.
          Thank you


Yes yes we can i will make you an affiliate on AllCharactersMatter and I will make an update on P&PP about your campaign. 


@writerbug_forever Hi, Kat!
            You're welcome for creating this campaign. And I love the idea of your character having an anxiety disorder.
            It'd be great if we could have an affiliation with you.
            - Angel x