
I’ve been away for awhile and forgot who is who. If I tag you for anything and such my apologies and just let me know if you’re okay with being tagged for awards or not


Holy moly, I have returned to post a chapter. I do plan on finishing Juliet. Who knows how long it'll take me but I'll finish it. I have an estimated 2-6 chapters to go (give or take). It'll be a nice miracle if I can finish it before the end of the year. Maybe I can if I focus and manage my time better.


Hello! Sorry to interrupt, but I am the admin of the Minstrel Awards, and I noticed that you write short stories. I'm reaching out for entries, and wondered if you'd be interested in joining. The awards book can be found on my profile or with this link below (that hopefully works). It would mean a lot if you could check it out. Thank you!