
Hi everyone, so it’s been a hot minute and unfortunately I’m writing with not good news. 
          	I will no longer continue writing/publishing or doing anything on Wattpad. 
          	I will be keeping all my current work up for people to read and enjoy but as far as new stuff or updates, there will be no more. 
          	There are a lot of reasons why I’ve chosen this from Wattpad itself to just personal preference. But I will no longer continue to write or publicly post my things. 
          	Thank you all for the many years of love and support. It’s meant the absolute world to me, and to all the friends I’ve made, thank you with all my heart. I love you all. 


Hi everyone, so it’s been a hot minute and unfortunately I’m writing with not good news. 
          I will no longer continue writing/publishing or doing anything on Wattpad. 
          I will be keeping all my current work up for people to read and enjoy but as far as new stuff or updates, there will be no more. 
          There are a lot of reasons why I’ve chosen this from Wattpad itself to just personal preference. But I will no longer continue to write or publicly post my things. 
          Thank you all for the many years of love and support. It’s meant the absolute world to me, and to all the friends I’ve made, thank you with all my heart. I love you all. 


Oie, desculpa incomendar, mas eu vi que vc gosta da marvel, então acho que pode gostar da minha fanfic.
          "Eu já passei por coisa muito pior, Natasha, e você sabe disso." 
          Uma missão dos Vingadores necessita de habilidades especiais, então Nick Fury "sugere" que Natasha chame uma velha amiga.
          A garota é cheia de segredos, e é um mistério, ninguém sabe sobre seu passado, nem mesmo Natasha.
          De onde Natasha conhece essa garota?
          Será que eles podem confiar nela?
          Da uma olhadinha e depois me diz o que achou.


I apologise I haven’t posted about this on here. I’ve done it on my other social media apps but not here. 
          A week ago our world was shaken at the sudden passing of Chadwick Boseman. This was such a tragic loss and the world is in disbelief. Diagnosed with cancer the same year my dad was, I have nothing but respect for this man and what he gave all of us. What he did while he was going through treatment and all the hate he got for loosing weight when none of us knew what he was going through breaks my heart. Rest In Peace and my thoughts and prayers are with your family. 
          Please though, don’t attack people who haven’t posted their respects, especially people who knew him personally. Imagine what they’re going through. Elizabeth Olsen has deactivated her Instagram because of hate because she didn’t post as soon as the news broke about his passing. This is not what he would have wanted. 
          Be kind to one another and take care 


Hello everyone! 
          I want to start by thanking you all for your ongoing love and support of my novels in my absence. Thanks to you, my Imagines/Preference book has become my most read book with over 200k views. I’m super excited to be announcing my return to this app!
          However, nothing lasts forever. In my absence I’ve had time to grow as a person and a writer and made the decision to cease publishing fan fictions and focus on more original novels. My Star Spangled Hero and some of my other, more popular works will remain visible for your viewing convenience and some of them (namely my Avengers Imagines/Preferences) May even get an update. But as for the rest, I’m going to be removing them to make room for original novels (mostly Fantasy. Maybe some contemporary). 
          I look forward to writing again so please stay tuned. 
          All the best 


          i'm kat, and i'm doing this thing where i post a positive message to all my followers. so i'll just say what i have to say and be on my way:
          you're beautiful.
          you're smart.
          you're talented.
          you're amazing.
          you have a purpose.
          stay cool,
          (inspired by whiskyforbes)