
I'm back bish, and read my note. it give's a brief reason why  I wasn't posting anymore chapters https://www.wattpad.com/story/89323220


When people are like " Hey Edalynn, we will always be with you no matter what! Promise! " And then people like me believe them... A few weeks later... Gone with the wind... Leaving them in the dust... Abandoned until someone will help them up... Please don't do promises you cannot keep... It's painful, it really is. I'm always being left, in sorrow and pain. Understand I am human as well.... Just please follow what you say, or some people will snap...


When you lie to others, they won't worry.  But it hurts you more when you're battling at the edge of sane to insanity, happiness to depression, life, and death... When you also lie to others, it's for their happiness. And the cause of it is love. Love is a mix of emotions, envy, happiness, sadness, really depend what really is going on. My dear people, please don't bottle up what you really feel and just confront them. Unlike me, where I just hide my sadness, lie, and smile as if nothing happening. So I beg of you, do NOT hide your true feelings and ask them when it's a good timing... Because insanity, depression, and the unthinkable could happen when you do... I already want to cease to exist, but it doesn't mean I don't want to help others... That's the only reason why I still love to this very day...


... Life is making me depressed... Life is mean... They first praise you, but then suddenly crash on you. I am crying in pain, sorrow, and depression. I hate my life at this point. However... I cannot quit life yet. There are people who need me, and I need them to be happy. So life, please torture me more so I can learn to take away the sorrows from you....


" Don't be hopeless, stay focused,
          Got to grind every time so they open,
          Got to climb real high where the rope is,
          It is written in the sky see the opus,
          And you know this
          Please don't lose hope,
          Try to progress keep your eye on the scope, 
          For yourself or do it for your folks,
          Dedication, comes through the oath" 
          " From this day forth, stay on course,
          No despair, got to have a heart
          Take no loss, every step costs.
          Everybody wants to see if you fall off,
          Keep your eye on the prize,
          Been through the worst even cried on the side,
          No lie never know what you'll find,
          Got to believe, let's keep hope alive!" - Danganronpa Animation 1 OP, Never Say Never
          ;-; I already lost hope in many things, but I hope you guys won't lose hope like I already


Uwahhhhhhh!!! Why are so many gay/bishounen/bisexual guys so cute!? * cries * Especially in real like and anime!?!?


@_kai_ayami_ You're only in for the food, aren't u?


*pokes head through closet* Welp, I got some great food here, of you wanna join me! *goes back in and eats food*


@_kai_ayami_ ;-; I was just kidding. 


Loneliness comes from past experiences. I won't talk about it since it might offend people. But you guys can ask me or other people who have been lonely for a long period time. But back in point, loneliness forms into the worst. It can go into depression, or anxiety. People who are experiencing in these topics are sometimes very noticable, or keeps in very well and hides it with a smile. The smile that's a killer for those people. If you know these people, never pretend it's not there for those people. Help those people, pull them into a hug and help them with their problems. They will most of the time tell you their problems, unless they have a hard case of anxiety. Fearing for the worst if they tell. So if you're a very dedicated family member, friend, or soulmate/etc. Please say that you'll do anything to help them, help them smile, help them be happy. And help them become better than their past. " You can't change the past, but you can change the present. " Go change the present/future while you still can. It will save a person's life if you do. * smiles *


There's always a reason behind many smiles. Some smiles are pure and angelic that lights people up and makes them smile as well. And other smiles are cover ups for their pasts, or current lives. Those people smile so others won't worry about them, because once a person said " The saddest smiles the best. " It shows those people truly cares for those people, but they don't want anyone worrying about them either. Always smiling isn't good either. We all need to have a friend, family, or other half to listen to our problems. We can't always bottle up out problems. So, please tell someone whos super close to you your problems. People want to see people like them smile for real, smiles like an angel for a great or greatest reason ever to them. And never regret living. I know there is always someone who'll always support you and help you. 


Please don't mind my spelling errors. :( I'm writing this with a sore eye right now, and I'm really exhausted as well