
          	Wow. I can't believe that it's been around 10 years since I last posted on my profile and this brings back tons of memories. I started writing here back when I was only 14 years old and in high school. Now, I'm done with college and is already a licensed Chemical Engineer who's having her mid-life crisis moment.
          	As you can see from my profile, I am a big Kuroko no Basuke fan and I recently rewatched all the episodes up until the movie. Rewatching it made me fall in love all over again with sports animes to the point that I also rewatched all the episodes of Eyeshield 21 and even picked up Prince of Tennis as my newest obsession (even if the series itself is far from new). It also reignited my love for fanfics and my motivation to write that's why I came up with "Yours to Break", a Tenipuri fanfic. This is a very self-indulgent project since I can't find enough fanfics for the fave pairing so I took matters into my own hands HAHAHA
          	Honestly, I'm not even sure if anyone still reads Tenipuri fanfics even in 2024 but if you do, I hope that you'll enjoy my comeback fic. <3
          	PS. It's yaoi and has mildly mature content, veryyy different from my past works


          Wow. I can't believe that it's been around 10 years since I last posted on my profile and this brings back tons of memories. I started writing here back when I was only 14 years old and in high school. Now, I'm done with college and is already a licensed Chemical Engineer who's having her mid-life crisis moment.
          As you can see from my profile, I am a big Kuroko no Basuke fan and I recently rewatched all the episodes up until the movie. Rewatching it made me fall in love all over again with sports animes to the point that I also rewatched all the episodes of Eyeshield 21 and even picked up Prince of Tennis as my newest obsession (even if the series itself is far from new). It also reignited my love for fanfics and my motivation to write that's why I came up with "Yours to Break", a Tenipuri fanfic. This is a very self-indulgent project since I can't find enough fanfics for the fave pairing so I took matters into my own hands HAHAHA
          Honestly, I'm not even sure if anyone still reads Tenipuri fanfics even in 2024 but if you do, I hope that you'll enjoy my comeback fic. <3
          PS. It's yaoi and has mildly mature content, veryyy different from my past works