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Hey Wattpad it's been awhile since I talked to a lot of you and updated my books. I'm so sorry for that! I have to focus on school especially with finals coming up and the weight o the end of the school year on my shoulder. 11th grade is hard and I don't know if I can keep writing my stories anymore mainly because of me having to focus but the other part is because I have kinda gotten bored of Fiolee. There's nothing really  helping me right it, there's no more gender-bent episodes on adventure time and I'm not single which was sorta a huge part of my success since I would write as if I was Fionna. I guess a lot of this have changed. I still rp however but the only way to rp with me is to message me and sometimes I'm too busy to do that. I'm sorry for neglecting you guys but this might be the end of my Fiolee writing. I'm sad to say it because I have been writing it forever but it has to be said. Let's face it I updated one of my books awhile back and it seems like people completely gave up on it because I didn't update and I'm sorry for that but I just feel like if I continue to write it's not going to be the same as if I wrote it when I first started. I'm sorry for failing you guys but I will try everything I can to at least try and finish up my books, if not then I'll just say it has been abandoned. I'm sorry once again and I love you guys! Thank you for helping me out more than you know :)
          P.S: if you wanna find me, see some short stories or poems I'm on a app called Virtual Space. My username is Twisted